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Signature Policy Updated 02-20-13


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Due to the outrageous and ridiculous sizes of recent signature images I have revised the signature options on the forums yet again. This is not for anyone person or group. This is for everyone, myself included.

Below are the new forums signature rules:

  • Can Upload Images for Signature Yes
  • Can Upload Animated GIF for Signature Yes
  • Maximum Number of Images in Signature 2
  • Signature Image Maximum Width (pixels) 800
  • Signature Image Maximum Height (pixels) 80

Below is a perfect example of what is allowed. Please remove and resize your signature images, upload them to the server.

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Here is a short tutorial for those of you that are unsure or confused on how to upload and add your signature.



  1. First go to your User Control Panel (UserCP) and click on edit signature.
  2. Scroll down to the signature window, use "Option 2" and click browse to upload an image.
  3. After uploading your signature should appear on the signature window.
  4. In the signature window, click the "Insert Signature Picture" link to insert your signature. It will insert the BB code [sIGPIC][/sIGPIC] that contains your signature image.
  5. Preview your signature and save. If your signature is larger than the allowed size you will receive an error message. Follow the instructions to correct the issue.


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