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    New York, NY

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  1. DT Thursday - list number 750 - 800
  2. i tried to get that point across but i got clobbered lol. thanks for reiterating :-)
  3. Did you notice he said the buses are being "dry run"? That means that a new system is being tested. Hound can you verify that LIB used odometer based clever device announcements in the past? By the way thanks for the update, let us know how that gps based system works out.
  4. it's a shame; i'm sorry to hear that happened to you back in the days of LIB :-/
  5. Word life, I give N6 Limited major props for pointing this out: if there was a detour: your announcements were off if the operator didn't have to make many stops (like on the 6 night car?) - your announcements were off (less distance without having to pull into stops). If you've ever seen it, that's why drivers would play with the clever device interface and get the bus to the correct stop. If GPS was involved, none of that tedious button pressing would have to go down, it would just self-correct (like it does on CTA). Feel me?
  6. I remember hearing that LIB stop announcements worked off of the odometer/wheel rotation the vehicle tracking system (AVL) was GPS based and powered by the radio system has NICE changed this?
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