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    Florida (for now)

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  1. A question for the guys who have been in for a bit, what kind of bag will i need, any good recommendations and what should i look for as far as note books ect. I want to get the stuff while I'm in Florida where it's cheap lol
  2. Thank you, now i fly down put everything into storage and drive on up next week.
  3. @Livingston, waiting to see the Doc.
  4. I'm on hold right now until I can get my cardiology report until I can get that hopefully tomorrow I should be good I'm in a panic right now cause I really want to get this October class I can't afford to wait another month. so for the time being I'm stuck in New York.
  5. I just got the call, I'm at the airport now getting ready to head on up for my appointment tomorrow. list number 310x
  6. @allday in Friday i was ticket #100 i was there all of 2 hrs. But that was for a D/T.
  7. @allday nothing yet, @breaker013 what is your list #?
  8. @allday, in the white stripped shirt?
  9. @allday i was there yesterday as well.i was sitting in the seat right infront of the counter. Yeah not that many people but most of them were T/O
  10. @allday if it is for the whole shebang I will be the happiest guy ever. Lol
  11. Just got a letter for another D/T. List 310x.
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