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Everything posted by Pelham25

  1. A question for the guys who have been in for a bit, what kind of bag will i need, any good recommendations and what should i look for as far as note books ect. I want to get the stuff while I'm in Florida where it's cheap lol
  2. Thank you, now i fly down put everything into storage and drive on up next week.
  3. @Livingston, waiting to see the Doc.
  4. I'm on hold right now until I can get my cardiology report until I can get that hopefully tomorrow I should be good I'm in a panic right now cause I really want to get this October class I can't afford to wait another month. so for the time being I'm stuck in New York.
  5. I just got the call, I'm at the airport now getting ready to head on up for my appointment tomorrow. list number 310x
  6. @allday in Friday i was ticket #100 i was there all of 2 hrs. But that was for a D/T.
  7. @allday nothing yet, @breaker013 what is your list #?
  8. @allday, in the white stripped shirt?
  9. @allday i was there yesterday as well.i was sitting in the seat right infront of the counter. Yeah not that many people but most of them were T/O
  10. @allday if it is for the whole shebang I will be the happiest guy ever. Lol
  11. Just got a letter for another D/T. List 310x.
  12. @mtahopfullmatt I had the D/T I'm still waiting for the call for final processingand medical, they start calling around the time of a class beginin, for about a week or so, a calculation was made that about 150 people are called per month. @Allday no problem, I'm just paying it forward.
  13. @Allday Too early to say, they'll start to make calls around the 29th.
  14. @westendman, I've been following your post for a while now, since you were in my shoes waiting for the call.now it's your on the job experience that have kept me focused on the future.i read the rulebook whenever i can, randomly going thru the emergency radio calls out loud(coworkers think I'm nuts) all the advice i have gotten from you and many others on here and city data have helped so much and I not only wish all of you the best of luck, but also a long future with the city, as i wish for all who are serious about this and want it. I'll see you at work soon.
  15. ignore the not the last list was 298x. I'm losing it lol
  16. yeah most likely October, when I called she had told me the last list number was not 298x. I'm 310x
  17. @paulie97 yes, I'm just waiting for the call for final processing and medical.
  18. I really do appreciate it guys thank you, I'm expecting to pay up around 1300.
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