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  1. Its wherever they need you but it's not for the week more like until theres another pick they'll explain all of that it's too much to type
  2. School is like a month I finished school in January the classes are at the signal school of you get drafted for signal maintainer trainee you should be happy because then your being trained to be a mantiner qnd not a helper just dont fail the school or else your out. No we dont choose it depends on where they need people at.
  3. Guys don't worry the process for me dident take long
  4. Yeah I took the test took me about 1 month to be called for a drug test and some more time after for final processing
  5. Yea I'm going to apply for the signal mantiner exam I think you do it over mail and I know it might be the same but according to some guys they are guys that have been provisinal for years because they haven't took a test so that' where I'm like damn let me just be sure
  6. Well because I'm hired provisonalyand even thoughwe were told that once the list gets approved by dcas we will become permenate I don' wanna take that risk and I'll rather take an actual exam in case they want to lay people off that way I'll be on another exam list
  7. Nope I took that test which wasent even really a test and I'm provisional
  8. Oh alright thanks I'm gonna take the test in July how was it when you took it do you remember?
  9. You took a test? It wasent just your resume and experience?
  10. Wait there was someone playing with it was he a helper or someone that actually has the power to touch the switch?
  11. Okay will do but what the answer to the question?
  12. Hey guys how strict are they about that communication test and how hard is it because they way they were saying it was like it' the end of the world I know it' important but is it as hard as they make it out to be or do they add some hype to work up your nerves
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