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  1. Don’t expect anything soon I’m in phase 2 and they cancelled our training for now
  2. Telling you man enjoy this time between don’t rush this process
  3. Yeah deff enjoy the time you have before phase one starts because once you get that call you have no life
  4. Yeah man same to you and yeah it sucks but if you don’t put the time in you won’t pass can’t wait to start operating
  5. So we started off with 16 had two drop out and we had 11 pass today
  6. I wouldn’t go off of anything on quizlet cause everything changes I would just wait till you get into phase one and Lucille sends you the stuff to start looking over my recommendation when you get that packet you start right away because when you get the real book of rules in phase one you will understand why just keep up with signals and definitions
  7. Can we also use the timetable to ride as well I usually just show them the email and they don’t bother me about not buying a ticket
  8. Been studying as much as I can just can’t wait for it to start
  9. Oh boy haha thank you for all your help man hoping to someday get to work with you
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