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MTR Admiralty

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Everything posted by MTR Admiralty

  1. well yea, in america everyone has their opinion, however wen it gets to a level where it becomes a breeding ground for flame wars, it's off hand. yea, there are ppl who post inaccurate information or worthless crap. were trying to fix dis problem 2,,

  2. thanks man...

    rider's diaries is a forum similar to nyctf.. it's a transit forum, but many people despise it because of the foam issue there.

  3. man, my little group is hard at work doing dis crap, but then we hav ppl ranting shit abt how certain cars suck or rant abt how they hav to avoid lines cuz certain trains r there... itz jus terrible

  4. lol, i mean the forums... loads of junk i have to read. havnt bin here for a few days nd da place got screwed up

  5. Eh, i'm just on here cleaning this place up... hell of a time

  6. Uh, we don't attack foamers par se. However, we are only trying to raise awareness. We established our group to clear things out and not let the forum turn into a breeding ground for flame wars. We know what happened to Rider's Diaries. Harry has kept this forum well, and we are trying to make it better. We certainly do not want to see what happened on RD to appear here.

  7. Thanks man!... just stick in the thing in your signature.

    Yeah stupid inane posts... not just him...

  8. yo dude, you wanna join the Foam Patrol?

  9. The thing is though, are there enough trains for that kind of service?
  10. Yeah I hate the frequency on the SIR, but there isn't much ridership a service increase. Plus the frequency and the timing is supposed to match the ferry.
  11. Certainly I do, I live between Chinatown and Lower Eastside in Manhattan.

  12. 大佬呀! 呢度係個地鐵黎架, 唔係蘭桂坊呀!

    點介仔架, 著成敢樣, 又唔fit下, 加上又咁大聲又粗魯. 嚇死人~aaah!

  13. You don't use OD like that. You don't say "an OD", you just say "OD". Same goes for epic fail. It's not "an epic fail", it's just "epic fail".
  14. ><超核凸. 好想嘔. 仲有d野零舍核凸呀... 好似有d男人, 擘開佢自己, 好似想俾其他人睇到佢既乜喇. 真係卑鄙無恥下流賤格. 人地都想坐喇, 係咪? :) 我真係好想叫呢d人.. "縮埋喇, 唔該!"

    我平時都搭d4號車返學... 但係d人搏晒命去霸個seat. 一有人起身, 十個人去爭位. 車廂又逼, 毋乜空位, 仲衰過荃灣線十幾廿倍. 所以我家陣搭d車返去, 起碼唔駛打交. 加上, 我條女又係每朝搭d車, 有時都會撞岩佢. 同埋, 訓覺都容易d喇!!!

  15. 今日又俾我殺一部r160. 我完先諗住搭架a車到14街, 後尾到西4街就俾我碰到9268. 今日真係發達啦!

    就職日快樂, 薯仔終於落台啦!

  16. hahaha... 我地點會影自己個樣呀? 除非我地係女人. 我多數會影我條女, d地鐵呀, d風景呀... 等等

    有一次俾我撞到n-trizzy (呢度d人). 我係世貿中心地鐵站果度巡. 咁我見到有一個楂住架相機既人, 我行埋去, 問佢. "你係咪個railfanner呀", 佢話"係呀!!!!!!!!!!!!", 咁我問, "你係咪響nyctf post呢?" 佢話"係呀"... 咁我問佢佢個handle係乜, 完來係n-trizzy. 幾random架. 後尾我地一齊遊車河, 咁岩俾我地撞到一部r160a型駛入個站.

  17. 影多d實會有經驗la! :)

    當初, 我d角度都攞得唔準. 後尾, 我同r160b 8713一齊railfan咁佢教我點攞d角囉. 遊車河果時有毋見到呢度d railfan呢?


  18. 每次遊車河我都用我架相機, 雖然係sony ericsson, 但係始終效果差d. 我想save d錢, 近住買個數碼相機. 我有load過我d相, 你可以睇下我既album. quality麻麻地. lol

  19. It depends. I heard reports that 1-2 sets may be pulled out of service to fix some problems.

    Probably up to 9282 is up to service, I think. I can't be sure. But it is possible.

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