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MTR Admiralty

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Status Updates posted by MTR Admiralty

  1. Sure why not!

    I'll see if R160B 8713 is coming along

  2. Thanks man!... just stick in the thing in your signature.

    Yeah stupid inane posts... not just him...

  3. thanks man...

    rider's diaries is a forum similar to nyctf.. it's a transit forum, but many people despise it because of the foam issue there.

  4. There's a thing called Cantonese Phonetic IME, it is a software that allows users to use Cantonese to type in Chinese, that's what I use.


    go to cpime.hk

  5. you mean the vintage train? lol

    i'm really not sure.

  6. Yup... last stop on the Ma On Shan line

    They're in my school so it's great!

    I also know a girl from Yuen Long as well.



  7. 今日又俾我殺一部r160. 我完先諗住搭架a車到14街, 後尾到西4街就俾我碰到9268. 今日真係發達啦!

    就職日快樂, 薯仔終於落台啦!

  8. 大佬呀! 呢度係個地鐵黎架, 唔係蘭桂坊呀!

    點介仔架, 著成敢樣, 又唔fit下, 加上又咁大聲又粗魯. 嚇死人~aaah!

  9. 影多d實會有經驗la! :)

    當初, 我d角度都攞得唔準. 後尾, 我同r160b 8713一齊railfan咁佢教我點攞d角囉. 遊車河果時有毋見到呢度d railfan呢?


  10. 超凍呀! 果晚得個華盛表3度!!!!!!

    我o係學校讀french, 毋計喇, 足足讀左2年, 又唔得放棄, 唯有就向前走.

    我4號已經走個一趟, 我打算聽日再兜一兜, 不過我下個禮拜大把時間, 非常好!

    家陣E車用緊r160a型車, 咁我又試下攞影多d pic囉.

  11. Ah, c'est bon. Comment est-ce que vous entreez les accents en l'ordinateur? (Par exemple: l'accent grave, l'accent circonflexe et cetera) Je ne connais pas.

  12. Ah, je suis en train de traduire en français, le "datasheet" du matériel roulant du métro de New York. Voulez-vous aider moi?

  13. As for the programmes... I uploaded them to two websites: Scribd.com and docstoc.com, the problem is, the characters happen to be "blown up". Like they got bigger, however, in the process, all the strokes were messed up. Some of the words were unintelligible. Do you know of another website that does uploads without these problems? Because I am sure, if people on the other side of the world could do it, why can't I?

  14. Both maps are cluttered

  15. Can't be too sure though... Monday or Tuesday could do

  16. Certainly I do, I live between Chinatown and Lower Eastside in Manhattan.


  18. Eh, i'm just on here cleaning this place up... hell of a time

  19. Est-ce que vous etes francais? Voulez-vous aider moi en mon francais? Je suis un eleve, je suis en train d'apprendre francais.

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