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Everything posted by Zman

  1. For me it's Top Gear on BBC America. When that show comes on, whatever I'm doing stops.
  2. T/O's have to gain seniority and pick a yard trick at 207th Street Yard. C/R's can work anywhere, but you've gotta know the right people. Training is done on your own time, without pay. Oh, and you've gotta wait until one of the regulars either decided to not do it anymore, takes a promotion, or retires. Good luck on that part.
  3. Nice supervision? Gotta be the weather.


    Yeah, she came up here to WP; Main St wasn't working out too well for her. I'm glad as now we can carpool and cut our toll and gas costs in half, every little bit counts! Maybe one day you'll be able to stop by.

  4. Very rarely, I work mostly out of Queens.

  5. Mega -


    With all due respect, I wouldn't bother them with such a frivolous request; they are quite busy where they work and do not need me meddling into their affairs. The (M) designation of the line has only existed since the late 1950's so there is nothing historical about it. Now if we were talking about the elimination of the actual elevated line, then you would have a point. Also if the designation had had some sort of historical significance, then there could be an argument; however, Duke Ellington did not write "Take the (M) Train".

    Personally, IF this plan were to be implemented, I would be in favor of the (V) designation simply because it would be easier to notify the thousands of people who use the line between Marcy Ave and Metropolitan Ave of the relettering and the new route scheme than it would be to do the same on Queens Blvd with 1+ million riders per day.

  6. Je suis navré mais je n'avais aucune idée que tu m'aie écrit. Pourtant de temps en temps, je prendrai des photos des buses mais pas pendant mon dernier déplacement à Paris. La plupart des photos que j'y avais prises étaient dans le métro.

  7. Dude, you totally broke the rules of the thread. Your best photo means your best ONE photo. Which one of those would you consider to be your best ever?
  8. Because it's about your best TRANSIT photo that you've ever taken. Bus, train, plane, horse & plow, it doesn't matter! And so far, I've seen some damn good photos!
  9. Nice pix. It's amazing how long the GM Fishbowls have lasted up in Toronto. The bus looks like it's in excellent condition!
  10. IMO, your signal photo is better than your train photo.
  11. You're not allowed two. Which one is your best one?
  12. Wow, each one of you has posted an impressive photo! Y2 - the combined dusk and slow shutter speed just made for an excellent photo. The quality of the camera doesn't hurt either! Trainfan - the pic of the train is nice, but it's the tangled weave of overhead wires and steel that makes that photo. lrg - if there wasn't a visible background in that pic, I would've sworn that it was taken out in a field somewhere. The weeds give it a little extra oomph. KR - good photo of a train going two ways at once, plus there aren't too many 68A's over there any more. R160 - excellent optical illusion! Not only did you get a good headlight twinkle, but the photo makes the circle look like it's only one car long! Subway - wow, that sky doesn't even look like a sky! That's a nice, rustic photo.
  13. Quite a few of you have taken numerous photos of trains, buses, and other transit types over the years. What I would like to see is what you consider to be your best transit photo ever. Post it here and give a little description of what it is and why you consider it to be your pièce de résistance, or your best ever in layman's terms. There's only one rule to follow: POST ONLY ONE PHOTO! It can be from any country, any city (New York too), anywhere. Here's mine, which I recently took. It is a photo of the signal mast at the Gambetta station on the Paris Métro #3 line. I just love how all the different colors just blended together to make a very nice photo for a little $149 point and shoot camera. P.S. I hope that I chose the proper forum for this post.
  14. 'Tis about time you started coming back here, you bloody wanker. :D

  15. Hopefully the signs are expired when you do that.
  16. Put it this way, I'm not as stupid as I look. Umm, wait a minute...that's not quite right...

  17. Was it absolutely necessary that you divulge where and especially who gave it to you? Next time, be a little more subtle.
  18. Well then, it was a pleasure to meet you. Don't hang around BMTGuy too much otherwise you'll start making impersonations of an R16 compressor.

  19. Sans aucun doute, les anciennes. Elles sont plus confortable d'exploiter.

  20. L'imparfait est utilisé quand quelque chose se passait pendant une période du temps et qui était habituel. Il est aussi utilisé pour remplacer "ing" d'un événement qui était dans le passé (pour s'exprimer "ing" pour le présent, utilisez "ant" e.g. faisant, prenant.) Par exemple:

    I was buying coffee from Starbucks every day...J'achetais du café chez Starbucks tous les jours.


    Le futur est simple. Il est utilisé pour dire "will".

    J'irai au travail lundi... je laverai ma voiture quand il fait plus chaud dehors.


    Le conditionnel remplacera "would, could, should."

    Si j'avais plus d'argent, j'habiterais en France.

  21. Je suis dans la division B depuis 15 ans. Je change des lignes chaque semaine en travaillant sur la liste de Vacation Relief (j'assure la couverture d'un emploi pendant lequel l'opérateur habituel prends ses vacances.)

    Les verbes pronominaux sont facile, ils sont utilisés lorsque vous failtes quelque chose à vous même. Par exemple, je me lave, je me connecte. Rappelez que ces verbes sont toujours conjugés avec être.

  22. Oui, je le suis depuis presque 16 ans pour la TA, mais vous pouvez le voir aussi en-dessous de mon nom quand je fais un message (bien sûr).

    Combien du temps avez-vous étudié la langue française et de quoi êtes-vous en train d'apprendre ?

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