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Everything posted by NYCtrainfan01

  1. The new GTA V trailers! http://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/article/49701/gtav-trailers-michael-franklin-trevor.html
  2. I like the blue on the metrocard bus since blue is my favorite color... LOL! So true...
  3. Not to mention you find her cute as well lol... Can't lie to me! She is cute though... I don't watch the show however... ----------------------------- On the topic of shows, I know I might get flamed for this but I don't watch the walking dead and get quite annoyed when folks keep mentioning it... I know the next season starts in October simply because a friend of mines keeps talking about it... That's ok... While you guys watch the walking dead, I'll be playing GTA V by that time lol...
  4. Rockstar is planning to release a new trailer very soon for GTA V! http://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/article/49631/michael-franklin-trevor-trailers-april-30.html
  5. I believe the 7000's will out live the 8000's too...
  6. Couldn't have said it better myself... As with your last paragraph, I've been doing just that... My last few orders, I chose USPS over UPS/Fedex simply because the latter two can't get their act right... With USPS, I don't have any real complaints simply because it's usually in my mailbox when I go and look on the days it's estimated to arrive... That's what I would do too... When I know a package is supposed to come, I stay home... One time, This UPS guy claims to have rung my doorbell but I was home all day and never heard anything... They left a note downstairs stating that they will try again next day... Let's just say UPS got an angry call from me... Even then, they still do the same thing...
  7. Lucky you... Folks with apartments aren't so lucky like myself... These guys at UPS/Fedex are really incompetent I tell you... Sometimes, they put little effort to get you your package... For some odd reason, my package is usually delivered really late (Around 6 to 7 PM...) That's usually the end of their shift... Sometimes, I need my stuff quickly...
  8. Oh I know a lot about UPS... Also about Fedex... I swear both companies have idiots... When I'm going to wait for a package, I make sure the front door downstairs is unlocked and I put a sign stating that I'm home so they won't try to leave with my package... Even then, they leave sometimes without coming upstairs... I had to wait a day or two later to get my packages sometimes...
  9. I know but it's not only the Bronx that doesn't have good maintenance... Plus, the Bronx in my opinion is ideal for testing out artics... Different terrain in different areas...
  10. Oh I hear it now from folks (Not a jab at Blitz)... *Insert reason why Bronx shouldn't have the XD60's and why X depot should get them* The MTA put them in the Bronx for a reason...
  11. You just want to see the XD60's at FB lol... I like the LFSA but seeing the XD60 in the Bronx is nice! lol... Nice change from all these D60's we got up here...
  12. Agreed... Getting tired to see that the Daily News keeps talking about a certain celebrity.. They started to talk about Kim Kardashian everyday... I don't read that section but we don't need to hear about her everyday...
  13. Awesome job NyctRman1278! Do you know when it will be available for download? Keep up the good work!
  14. LOL... I hope they do have cheats for the airplanes... Like GTA SA did... I just wish Rockstar released a picture of the map... I know that's not happening anytime soon though...
  15. I hated that in GTA III also... That's why I always drove a tank in enemy areas... Especially in Leone territory... That's one thing I miss from GTA SA... That you can operate trains... GTA IV's Liberty City had a baseball team but oddly had no baseball stadium... You should really play Read Dead Redemption! It's a really great game! Both story and gameplay wise... Red Dead's map size was a little smaller than GTA SA's map... There are no usable cars in Red Dead... You have to use horses to get around or if you're lazy, pay for a stage coach... I don't know if Rockstar would add new areas but they only confirmed Los Santos, The countryside and the desert as explorable areas In GTA V... They brought back diving underwater now! Rockstar also says that every area will be unlock from the beginning! A first for any GTA game... Not sure if you seen these photos but these were photos Rockstar released on GTA V not to long ago: http://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/article/49181/sunsets-seas-skies-and-so-on.html I so can't wait!
  16. That would be great to see! What will be the first thing you would do once you play GTA V? I know they had buses park near missionary hill in San Fierro that you could take... I don't recall buses making stops in SA though... They do travel the streets sometimes... Then again, I haven't played SA in a while... GTA Vice City for a fact had buses stop at bus stops... I like how GTA IV's Liberty City resembled NYC better than GTA III's Liberty City... Rockstar had originally planned on making the entire Liberty state not just Liberty City but they wanted to focus more on game play rather than map size... The reason for the lack of air vehicles according to Rockstar was because the map wasn't big enough for airplanes and all that... I personally prefer the Hind MI-24A over the Blackhawk and the Apache... I wish the Hind MI-24A was in a GTA game... Between the Blackhawk and the Apache, I prefer the Apache too... Rockstar says the GTA V's map will be bigger than GTA SA, GTA IV, Red Dead Redemption, combined with room to spare! Like I asked Metro, What will be the first thing you would do once you start playing GTA V? My answer to that question is to explore the map first!
  17. You'll have to be sharing some of that money with me lol... I see stupid comments pop up everywhere... Not just here...
  18. Interesting... But as you always say, "Wait and see" Still, would like to know what the is planning...
  19. Coming from Mr. Cheapskate himself! lol... Trying to be more cheap eh? lol...
  20. Me too! I read that originally, GTA IV was suppose to have buses as a method of transportation similar to the subway... There is a B/O model for said service too... The idea was scrapped along with a coach bus... The coach bus can be still seen in a in-game TV commercial... It looks similar to the coach bus in GTA III... Only the Orion V CNG look-alike was left... Limo rides were also scrapped... Niko can be seen in the back of a limo in one of the GTA IV trailers... Forgot which one though... Only Taxi rides remained... In GTA VIce City, If you were to drive a bus to bus stops, folks will get on and pay you $5 for each person who gets on... It was a hidden minigame...
  21. I found GTA IV to be fun actually... GTA IV multiplayer was somewhat boring though... Rockstar says that they are focusing a lot on mutiplayer this time around (But they haven't forgotten single player of course) so you might just get your wish! The thing I'm waiting for is to explore the map which is the first thing I'm going to do when I play seeing as this will be the first GTA V to have all of the areas unlocked from the beginning!
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