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08-31-09 Some New London Amtrak

Fred G

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Lately I've been spending more time in the eastern end of CT. Here are some New London shots from yesterday. Enjoy!








I haven't seen "ace" in a long time. Looks like they're keeping 2033 as "ace". I'm happy.






Thanks for viewing.


your pal,


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Awsome Pics Fred =)! The Acelas looks hot! The last pic looks like it has snowy mountains in the background[Even tho its clouds]...


Thanks, Mark! There was a lot of cloud movement overhead yesterday. I expect today would be all clear.


Vurrah nice sir!


- A


Thanks, (A)

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Nice stuff up at New London, CT. I love em'all especially the photos of the Acelas rocking the bridge!


Thanks AWWang!




It shows that even new technology can look good...


As soon as I saw them, I thought of this photo:




Thanks. That LIRR pic you linked is hot chit :tup:


Very nice Amtrak pics those locos look whoa:tup:


Thanks KnightRider!


Great pics, that location is pretty cool too!




Thanks Paul!

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