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Pedestrain Struck by Amtrak; Leverett, Mass.

Brighton Local

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This is the one thing that people don't seem to get about trains. Stay away from tracks, from the edge of platforms, from grade crossings when gates are down, and always look both ways when you for some reason need to cross any tracks.


Sadly people mistake the woosh of air for something less dangerous, if you get hit by a train at speed full on, you will die, if you are stupidly and foolishly standing on the tracks you can get sucked and crunched likely to death under the pilot, you will cause emotional harm to the crew and passengers and any other witnesses, and you will delay people and make people lose time and money and miss other things they need to do in their life. Also it makes rail transportation look more dangerous than it is.


Please, ride in the train, board at scheduled station stops, and for petes sake stay away from the tracks!


- A

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