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City spending $24M Homeland Security windfall on wide-ranging security update


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The "Ring of Steel" security plan is coming to midtown.


The Empire State Building, Grand Central Terminal and the United Nations will be surrounded with cameras, license-plate readers and chemical-weapons detectors under the new plan to go in effect by 2011.


The eye-in-the-sky security gadgets that police now use to scan lower Manhattan will also be used in midtown, thanks to $24 million in federal Homeland Security funds.


"We will spend as much as necessary in either federal or city funds to complete this project and protect New York," Mayor Bloomberg said as he announced the program yesterday. "This is our No. 1 priority, and it comes before all fiscal concerns."


Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/ny_crime/2009/10/05/2009-10-05_candid_camera_in_midtown_city_spending_24m_homeland_security_windfall_on_wideran.html#ixzz0T3x2EwKr



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you forgot the School Safety one :)


I don't think Kelly has had them painted white to it looks like there are more actual police cars on patrol.

It's Bloomturd's and Kelly's motto at work, "Doing more with less."

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I don't think Kelly has had them painted white to it looks like there are more actual police cars on patrol.

It's Bloomturd's and Kelly's motto at work, "Doing more with less."


Don't even get me started on Bloomberg and Kelly, the two SKELL politicians destroying this city one command at a time.


This city is done. Finished. Over.

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Say goodbye to railfanning in midtown manhattan. It was nice while it lasted. They should post a signs in midtown saying, "Kiss your civil liberties goodbye, you are entering midtown manhattan. We have to make the hipsters and tourists think they are safe."

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