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Bad News for WWE fans.


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I am very sadden by this news. Couldn't believe it. And it included his son and his wife. Very tragic indeed. I felt the same reaction as when I felt hearing the news of Eddie Guerrero's death. And Chris Benoit was one of the very few real wrestlers around and will be missed indefinate. But now at least we can say Chris and Eddie united again (for those who believe in an after life). And its sad to watch the RAW episode celebrating the life of Chris Benoit, and seeing the people close to him pour their hearts out. and this is definately hard on a fan and people who looked up to him.


RIP the Benoit Family.

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Not exactly a mental problem,but it is caused by the use of steroids as Eastman346 has mentioned 2 times is "roid rage".


The use of steroids on himself may be "roid rage," but to use them on your SON, what was he thinking? (Was he thinking, at all?!) :mad:

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Now they are saying it couldn't roid rage becuase the police said it sounded like it was kinda planned. First he killed his wife on Friday,then he watched the wrestling show (which he was supposed to be in) with his son on saturday and texted all his friends that the dogs were locked up and the garage door was unlocked,then he killed he son(who was disabled),then put bibles next to them,then he hung himself. Now if this was roid rage it would be more like killing 1 person then snapping out of it saying oh (blank) I killed him.

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