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For the Model Railroaders..

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Hehe, that was an awesome clip Zach.


Question about your layout, do all the cars on the trains platform?



Thanks Pablo. Not all cars platform; the "premier"- B division cars, the letter routes, (A) & (D) Trains, only 5 out of 6 cars platform. The Smaller "railking" A Divison IRT cars, 5 1/2 to 5 3/4 cars platform out of 6.


Those models are awesome. Its cool to see them in action. Did you hand make all the platforms?



Yes , I cut and decorated the platform myself.

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Hey Zach that is an awesome layout. I really wanted to do something huge like this but at the time funds weren't in my favor and these days I have to focus on other things (although I might buy a set to have as a collection :(). How long did it take for you to complete a layout like this? Thanks for sharing

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Very nice models and layout Zach.


Thanks man.



Hey Zach that is an awesome layout. I really wanted to do something huge like this but at the time funds weren't in my favor and these days I have to focus on other things (although I might buy a set to have as a collection :(). How long did it take for you to complete a layout like this? Thanks for sharing



Thanks for the compliment. Ive been collecting O Gauge trains since July 1997. So over 10 years now. To build this specific layout that I have shown in the clip, at least a month I would say.


Board Size: 5' x 10' 1/2'' .

7 Tracks- 4 Elevated, 2 lower level. Both connected via a newly installed ramp, in the middle of the table.


1 track designated for a Brooklyn "P"resident "C"onference "C"ommitee" street car" line.


6 Transformers..

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