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President Obama takes on ‘devastation’ of recession

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Yes I saw it. He said a lot of good things although I disagree with him criticizing the Repubs as much as he did and not criticizing the Dems enough (he really only did so once) BOTH sides are to blame for this mess I have said it all along.


However they need to act on what they say, not just say it, and the bills they produce need to be trimmed. It's one thing to say Healthcare is a problem (yes), another to say to look out for the American people (yes), a third to say the House passed a Healthcare Bill (an OK one), a fourth to say the Senate should pass healthcare reform (no - their bill is a joke, the House bill is far better), and a fifth to say that the plan would have concrete cost saving effects (that is debatable since the bill is not yet final, and there are serious questions on House/Senate negotiations and how they will shift)


Additionally, I loved that he spoke out so openly against that Supreme Court decision authorizing unlimited political advertising by corporations. The consequences of that will be readily apparent very shortly, and adding foreign groups to the list is important too, hell I didnt even think of that but they can now spout anti American bullshit on there and advocate for candidates who are clueless and will hurt our economy for foreign gain seeking to get "good relations". I don't like that new law one bit and I'm glad he criticized it as much as he did.

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I was being harangued by police then sleep on train then home & sleep, pretty much out all day or i woulda watched.


As far as criticizing republicans, all they have done thus far is try to block anything the president has tried to do. I am not party affiliated, but i gotta tell you, so far i am unimpressed utterly with any republican sponsored bill or presidential policy from past administrations. They don't seem to have the greater good in mind at all.


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