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Ulmer Park


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i was at avenue u and e 15th street and i jumped on the b3 and took it to ulmer . i went into the yard to get a bus and i caught these and then at the end of the day at 3 i parked the bus and then went home and i caught 5088 with a repaint . take a look . IMG00688.jpg . IMG00689.jpg . IMG00690.jpg . IMG00692.jpg . IMG00691.jpg . Enjoy them .

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i was at avenue u and e 15th street and i jumped on the b3 and took it to ulmer . i went into the yard to get a bus and i caught these and then at the end of the day at 3 i parked the bus and then went home and i caught 5088 with a repaint . take a look


Hold on...you drove a bus?


Nice pics. BTW!

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If you brought a bus into the yard why were you taking pictures from the outside of the gate? I call BS. you arent a shifter. Shifters are mostly senior guys who wouldnt waste their time taking pics of the buses they see and drive everyday.

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and if you started out on the b3 on ave u & e15, why would you catch the 74 in coney island to go home? dude, get a life.


If you brought a bus into the yard why were you taking pictures from the outside of the gate? I call BS. you arent a shifter. Shifters are mostly senior guys who wouldnt waste their time taking pics of the buses they see and drive everyday.


hold up . who you think you yelling at . i aint saying nothing with you . if you want to talk about something then pm me . and that description writing was my cousin because i had an emergency at my cousins house and he went into my account and he really dont know what he doing so dont come off at me like that .

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