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Teenage Girl, 15, Is Beaten As Security Guards Stand By In Seattle Transit Tunnel

EE Broadway Local

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"Four Charged In Transit Tunnel Beating"

"Girl, 15, Beaten As (Security) Guards Stood By"


Story And Video from Seattlepi.com: http://www.seattlepi.com/local/415247_tunnel10.html


This happened in a Seattle, Washington transit tunnel. The short video might be just a bit disturbing to watch.

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This freakin crap just makes my damn blood boil!Who gives a flying rats ass if those security guards were unarmed they should've done something!No girl deserves to get beaten like that even if the girl is a gang member!This is nothing short of dispicable!:mad:

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This freakin crap just makes my damn blood boil!Who gives a flying rats ass if those security guards were unarmed they should've done something!No girl deserves to get beaten like that even if the girl is a gang member!This is nothing short of dispicable!:mad:


Especially with her being kicked in the face. The cops who expelled them, and then acted f-ing foolish when she came back in for help, need to be disciplined. You know she will be getting paid, cause the cops did nothing, when she asked for help, and they had their stupid comments, that I bet alot make to schoolkids (along the lines of, we don't have time for yall foolishness).........


If that was my child, I would have loved the chance to slap the taste out of those kids, and cops face. As for the security guards, well they are useless turds, to put on a facade of safety, where their is actually none. Only armed ones, are useful. Those thugs could have pulled out a gun, if they had one, if those guards were to intervene.............

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  • 2 weeks later...


Sad thing is that a person on the platform, or a shopper at a mall, can do that for free.........


Exactly! Security Guards are good in some cases but most transit systems have there own police. As for security guards, they are pointless if you ask me. Just a waste of time and money, and most security guards failed the police schooling and most are weak looking deadbeats.

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