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Hi everyone-question about training to be MTA bus operator


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Greetings to all:


I just was wondering - how are new bus operators trained on routes when they first start? Does a season bus driver go over the route with you thoroughly. This is my concern because the idea of being shown 1x and then be on my own and get lost is frightening-yikes!!! I have heard this happens often. Any thoughts or advise much appreciated

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Greetings to all:


I just was wondering - how are new bus operators trained on routes when they first start? Does a season bus driver go over the route with you thoroughly. This is my concern because the idea of being shown 1x and then be on my own and get lost is frightening-yikes!!! I have heard this happens often. Any thoughts or advise much appreciated



You go out with a driver not necessarily seasoned (I lined trained on the Bx18 with a driver who had only 4 years on the job). Usually they do the first round trip, while you watch to learn the route. Then you usually drive a couple or more round trips, while they relax. If you do not learn a route, in the MTA you get a "cut slip", go out on your own time, but get paid to learn the line(s), from your respective depot. Some of us made overtime that way, but some depots in OA and TA stopped that, and you don't get paid to learn the line, unless you are working that line. Newbies get paid to learn all the lines, when on the Extra list.


All drivers learn the lines, but some just aren't familiar with the area, and when they go out on their own, they forget a turn and get lost. It gets worse when you work a route that is 2 in one. The Bx1 and Bx2 is an example of that, as they are both the same for most of the route, but one turns at 165st/Grand Concousre. You work both in the same paddle (paddle is your running time/timepoints, and has the codes and route). It happened to me. I know the area, but just forgot I was a Bx2 (thinking I was a Bx1), and went by 165st. Luckily, the divider that was usually in the middle of the Concourse was gone, and I was able to safely make a U-turn at the next block. It happens......

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Thanks for your reply. Sounds scary-The bus driver I was talking to said he was lost and asked his passengers and they guided him-oh that is so embarrassing-lol but you ar right it happens.


When I was in West Farms, I had jury duty. Your RDOs become Sat/Sun, but if not at jury duty Mon-Fri you must go to work. That happened to me, they put me on a route I didn't know (Bx21), and the crew dispatcher told me to take a map. I knew most of it, but here were some unfamiliar turns, and the Bronx nut-hut stop, that I had to make. I asked many drivers before I left, and when on the road, I wasn't hesitant to ask the passengers. We all start new, and learning means asking at times. Better that getting stuck up some small street with 40-60ft of bus. You really don't want to back up any bus, less than 60ft of articulated bus, down a long block.


I started on the Extra-List in Kingsbridge, so I knew all the lines from my home depot. I picked into West Farms during the general pick, and picked on the Bx36, Bx19, and the Bx6, so those were the only lines I got paid to learn in West Farms. I did 2 RDOs on the Bx15/Bx17 (they are mostly combined now), but knew those lines, so didn't bother to learn them. The Bx21 I was thrown on due to the jury thing, so didn't get paid to learn that one, just went out and did it.

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