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Six Goes...Interstate?


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I bid a fond hello to you all from my hole.


But I had to crawl out of my hole on Saturday to go to New Jersey. Not out of my own volition, but for educational purposes. What a disaster! I thought I knew PATH, but apparently, I was horribly, horribly misguided and I'm afraid that yes, I, a transit fan, nearly got lost.


But I did ride one of their new cars... what are they, PA-5s? Correct me if I'm wrong!


But here's the creme-de-la-creme... I rode light rail for my first time ever! It was interesting... a bit slow... but interesting. Very clean, and I thought the pre-boarding system was very reminiscent of Select Bus Service.


Here's a picture!




Edited: Picture was far too tiny!

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They can do 50-55 out in the open as pablo said, but usually they do about 45 for passenger comfort.


I ride this system alll the timeee glad you liked it! :tup::cool: PATH is also confusing if you dont look at the map surprisingly enough even with its 13 stations.


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The Bayonne Flyer is doing 55 all the way to Bayonne once it gets the track is clear past the yard.


It is priceless to watch the people on the highway look out of their vehicle at a light or stuck in traffic with a "wtf... light rail goes fast?" look on their face!!! :cool:


It's all most as funny as the people who are not used to the acela zipping past stations in NJ, or zipping past us all ready seated in a (NJT) train "oh em gee what was that wow". :cool:


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