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Would California Governer Arnald Schwarzenegger Run For President?


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Humm, some valid points over there. I guess the Veep does need the requirements of the Presidency but I am not sure if it is as enforced as the President position. Like, people have been talking mostly about President position. ;).


For that, I am also going to question the House Speaker's position, well I just need to do more research on House Speaker requirements...

The House Speaker is selected by the party that gains the largest number of seats in the House. That person is usually the minority party leader when the party was the minority party. Before Pelosi became the Speaker, she was the minority party leader. So basically the person is usually selected. If they choose to select a natural born congressperson over one that is of foreign birth, that is up to the majority party to decide.


And I'm rather certain that they're equally enforced

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I know about the House Speaker thing.


But is the House Speaker position enforced to a set of rules as well, including the birthplace?

There are no guidelines of my concern that relates to natural birth. Pretty much any congressperson can become the leader given a certain timeframe, and then move on to be Speaker. But again, they do select the person to be Speaker, so they may enact on certain guidelines and criteria that we do not know about.

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you'd be surprised at all the people who follow him blindly


There was enough opposition to his candidacy throughout the campaign that something like this would have cropped up a long time ago. So regardless of how many there were following him there were plenty who were against him. The whole birth certificate thing was a last ditch cheap shot effort for disqualifying him from winning.

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