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Last Day Part(y) 2 [56k Warning ish]

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Great shots!




Cool Stuff. What was that R160 doing on the Middle Track at Bay Parkway?


No idea. It was in front of the first (M) train out and it sat there for the time being.


Slammin show of the (D)oomsday Trains but one pic stood out from the rest for me ,It was I think 14 or 23 on the (V) Floor shot that just was :tup::tup:




Nice shots I didn't know you were at the party also.There were so many people I didn't know who was who.


Thanks, and I wasn't actually at that party. Went off to my own.

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Great shots, especially the West 4th pics.


Great shots!


Cool pics!


(7)(1)(1) pics R(A)(M)(A)(Z)(N)(G)


Great Photos!


Damn the orange M gettin the GO treatment before its even born huh lol


Excellent pics & nice meetin ya that day!


Amazing photos!


http://manhattanexpress.net/711transit/uploads/doomsday/e/DSC_1964.JPG - That photo has a cool effect with the depth of field there.


Thanks everyone.

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