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Signature Cars Of The Current Subway Lines

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I have an interesting question: As railfans and transit buffs, which subway car(s) would you consider a "signature" car of each current subway line (that is, which subway car(s) (R1-R9 through R160) do you associate most with each current subway line)?


These are my signature cars:

(A) R10, R44

(;) R40 Slant

(C) R32 Brightliner

(D) R68

(E) R32 Brightliner

(F) R46

(G) R46

(H) R44

(J) R42

(L) R42

(M) R16



(R) R46

(S) R34





(3) R62



(6) R33 ML

(7) R36 WF

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(A) R38, R44

(;) R68

(C) R10, R32

(D) R68

(E) R32

(F) R46

(G) R46

(H) R44

(J) R16

(K) R42

(L) R16, R143

(M) R42

(N) too many different cars ran on it for it to have a specific signature

(Q) R40

(R) R46

(S) Franklin R11, R27/30

(V) R42, R46

(W) R160

(Z) R42


(1) R62

(2) R33, R142

(3) R62

(4) R142

(5) too many different cars ran on it for it to have a specific signature

(6) R29

(7) R33,R36

70(8) R12, Low-V

(9) R62

(S) Times Square R62

70(SS) Bowling Green R12

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Here's a REAL fantasy service pattern...


(1) R17's

(2) R26/28/29/33/36's

(3) R12/R15's

(4) Lo-V's

(5) R21/22's

(6) Hi-V's

(7) WF Lo-V's + Lo-V's

(S) R62/A's


(A) R10's

(;) R27/30's

(C) R38's

(D) Arnines

(E) R32's

(F) R46's

(G) Arnines

(J)/(Z) R16's

(L) R42's

(M) R40 slants

(N) A/B Standards

(Q) D Types

(R) Multi-Sections

(V) R40 modifieds

(W) R68/A's

Rockaway (S) R44's

Franklin (S) R11's


SIRT - ME-1's


Now that would make for some interesting service...

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Wirelessly posted via (Mozilla/5.0 (Danger hiptop 4.6; U; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20050920)


(A) R32/R38/R44

(;) R40/R40M

(C) R32/R38

(D) R68

(E) R32

(F) R32/R46

(G) R46

(H) R44

(J)/(Z) R42

(L) R143

(M) R160

(N) R68/R68A/R160

(Q) R160

(R) R46

(S) R68

(1) R62A

(2) R142

(3) R62

(4) R62/R142

(5) R142

(6) R62A/R160

(7) R36WF/R62A

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For this, I look back to the old days. To me, the 'signature' cars for each line were-

(A): R-38, R-44

(B): R-40, R-40M

(C): R-10, R-30, R-32, R-38

(D): R-68

(E): R-32

(F): R-32, R-46

(G): R-46

(J): R-42

(L): R-40, R-42

(M2): R-30, R-42

(M): R-160

(N): R-32, R-40, R-68/A

(Q): R-40, R-68/A

(R): R-32, R-46

Franklin (S): R-68

Rockaway (S): R-44

(V): R-46

(W): R-40, R-40M

(Z): R-42

(1): R-21/22, R-62/A

(2): R-26, R-28, R-29, R-33

(3): R-14, R-62

(4): R-33, R-62

(5): R-26, R-28, R-29, R-33

(6): R-28, R-29, R-33, and Mainline R-36

(7): R-33 WF, R-36 WF

(S): R-62/A

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(A)-R32/38 , R44

(:)-R40s and R68s

©R38s ans R32s








(N)R40s and R68s

(Q)R40s and R68s


(W)R40s and R68s




notice my signatures don't include R143's and R160s since those were not ORINGINAL!!











notice my sigatures have no R142s since those were not ORINGINAL!!!



-Gorge Lopez! :cool:

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A - R38

B - R40

C - R38

D - R68

E - R32

F - R32/R46

G - R46

J - R42

L - R143

M - R42/R143

N - R40/R68

Q - R40/R68

R - R32/R46

S - w/e

V - R46

W - R40/R68

Z - R42


IRT's remain the same..except 7 would have a mix of redbirds and 62as

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yea they did run a few R44's on the (F).


(A) R44/R46/R32

(;) R68/R68A

(C) R44/R46/R32

(D) R68/R68A

(E) R46/R160

(F) R46/R160

(G) R46/R160

(J) R160/R42

(L) R143/R160

(M) R160

(N) R160/R68

(Q) R68A

(R) R46/R160

(S) Franklin Av Shuttle R68

(S) Rockaway Shuttle R44/R46

(S) 42 St Shuttle R62A

(Z) R42/R160


(1) R62A

(2) R62/R142

(3) R62/R62A

(4) R62/R142A

(5) R62A/R142A

(6) R62A/R142A

(7) R62A

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