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(J) Trains To "Broadway Junction" Only This Weekend

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(J) trains are terminating at "Broadway Junction" this weekend and free shuttle buses will connect the (J) with the (E) at Jamaica-Van Wyck:


(J) No trains between Broadway Junction and Jamaica Center

(E) trains and free shuttle buses provide alternate service

Weekend, 3:30 AM Sat. to 10 PM Sun, Jul 3-4


*Transfer between free shuttle buses and (J) trains at Broadway Junction

*Transfer between free shuttle buses and (E) trains at Jamaica-Van Wyck

*Take the (E) for service between Jamaica-Van Wyck and Jamaica Center


To Broadway Junction:


Station Shuttle Bus Stop

Jamaica-Van Wyck (E) on Van Wyck Expwy at 89th Av

121 St on Jamaica Av at 121 St

111 St on Jamaica Av at 111 St

104 St on Jamaica Av at 104 St

Woodhaven Blvd on Jamaica Av at Woodhaven Blvd

85 St-Forest Pkwy on Jamaica Av at 86 St

75 St-Elderts Ln on Jamaica Av at Dexter Ct

Cypress Hills on Jamaica Av at Crescent St

Crescent St on Euclid Av at Fulton St

Norwood Av on Atlantic Av at Logan St

Cleveland St on Atlantic Av at Cleveland St

Van Siclen Av on Atlantic Av at Hendrix St

Alabama Av on Jamaica Av at Broadway


To Jamaica-Van Wyck:


Station Shuttle Bus Stop

Broadway Junction (A)(J)(L) on Fulton St at Van Sinderen Av

Alabama Av on Jamaica Av at Georgia St

Van Siclen Av on Jamaica Av at Van Siclen Av

Cleveland St on Jamaica Av at Elton St

Norwood Av on Jamaica Av at Logan St


Crescent St Shuttle buses to Jamaica-Van Wyck skip the Crescent St station. Use shuttle bus at Cypress Hills station or take the Q24 bus on Atlantic Av at Crescent St


Cypress Hills on Jamaica Av at Hemlock St

75 St-Elderts Ln on Jamaica Av at 75 St

85 St-Forest Pkwy on Jamaica Av at 85 St

Woodhaven Blvd on Jamaica Ave at Woodhaven Blvd

104 St on Jamaica Ave at 104 St

111 St on jamaica Av at 111 St

121 St on Jamaica Av at 121 St


During this (J) GO, the Brooklyn (J) stations between Alabama Avenue and Crescent Street require a short walk to Atlantic or Jamaica Avenues for the free shuttle bus (Crescent Street to Euclid Avenue toward "Broadway Junction" and to Hemlock Street and Jamaica Avenue toward Jamaica Center.) The Brooklyn/Queens (J) stations between Cypress Hills and 121st Street are at the stations.

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But that costs money.The bus dosen't


But be grateful that it's on the weekend, so you can use CityTicket to head from ENY to Jamaica. At least it's better than paying about $5 or more for the same trip on a weekday.

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They might crosshonor fares.


Probably not. If someone presents a MetroCard, how does an LIRR conductor without a reader know if it's just a card just someone found on the bus/subway that is empty?

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Probably not. If someone presents a MetroCard, how does an LIRR conductor without a reader know if it's just a card just someone found on the bus/subway that is empty?


They use magic, lol but seriously, have the MTA ever crosshonor fares during (J) G.O.s? During the (7) termination at 61 St for the 74 St track switches, they didn't crosshonor fares but just allowed the ride between Woodside and Main Street free. It was a fun ride considering I don't usually take the LIRR.

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NYCT fares are never cross-honored on LIRR or MNR except for any GO that involves a suspension of service on the (7) beyond QBP. I guarantee there will be a ton of cross-honor GO's during the CBTC implementation period.


LIRR fares are cross-honored on NYCT whenever there is a disruption involving the NYC stations, even in one direction only. A head-up in advance: There will be one weekend in October/November of this year that involves the complete suspension of all LIRR service west of Jamaica except for the Port Washington branch. Expect super-crowded (E) trains!


MNR fares are cross-honored on NYCT only for full suspensions of service, never one-way suspensions, at least that's what I've seen.

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NO... From experience I know Jamaica Center can't handle more than one line. Unless you have them all split terminals.


true, if only there was a way to switch from Supthin Blvd-JFK 2g2 the lower lvl

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