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NY Man Blows off Arm With Party Fireworks


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Fireworks in New York are illegal for citizens, guess this dude didn't know that.


And I still hear people in my area setting off fireworks on nearly every major holiday, even Labor Day.


This is a state law, not an NYC law!

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What sense does it make to reattach his arm when all of the nerves are damaged and gone? But yeah you gotta expect something to go wrong every year.


Your thinkings came true


A source close to the investigation said surgeons could not reattach his arm, which was blown off at the shoulder, because of the nature of the injury.



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Oh well, maybe he will think about what he did and wish he could get it back...smh


This is why fireworks should be legal, you blow off an arm, leg, or some fingers and I doubt you'll do it again. It's part of the risk, I have no sympathy for this dumb ass.



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Wirelessly posted via (Mozilla/5.0 (Danger hiptop 4.6; U; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20050920)


It isn't the 4th of July unless you hear about someone losing an arm or leg (or both) using fireworks


Good point, like its not Thanksgiving or Christmas unless someone sets their house on fire from a turkey or christmas tree lights lol :cool:

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Wirelessly posted via (Mozilla/5.0 (Danger hiptop 4.6; U; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20050920)


Good point, like its not Thanksgiving or Christmas unless someone sets their house on fire from a turkey or christmas tree lights lol :cool:



Oh christmas tree, oh christmas tree, OH SHIT ITS ON FIRE!!! :(

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