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What's your biggest fear?


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Flying I hate it. Same here I just cannot understand how something that big and heavy can stay in the air but yet you cant keep a piece of paper in the air even if you tried.

I remember going to England and it was on a 777 and while walking through that tunnel of doom this one lady says "last time i came here we ran into a thunderstorm and the turbulance was horrible". So I look at my mom and said "ill pay you back for the ticket".


The very first time I was suppose to fly we went to Jamaica and I was like 12 and before we got on the plane I cried to death and would not get on that plane. My mom had got my brother to take me to my dads and he flew a different day l0l.


Lol wow

I have that same philosophy with boats, although I'm not afraid of them...how can something so big & heavy stay afloat but yet I'm like 130 lbs and I barely make it above the water lol

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"yeah like they [the liberals] have done well so far".... adding more the the debt, continuing the war in Afghanistan.


I mean the right liberals, the german socialists "Die Linke" , they are against the war and against low taxes for the rich, they are against privatization and against low wages.

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Dude what the f**k is that? where did you find this shit?


So I was on youtube and i wrote ular makan orang (Snake eating human) and went on many different videos and then i came up to that. That thing is a human. I'm serious! You can turn into that if you do bad things to your mother. I mean really,really bad things.

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it's okay, you can tell us...


No. It's PROSPECT HEIGHTS. Washigton Heights only wishes it were that fearsom- *brick'd*


By far, my biggest fear is death. The thought of not being in my body, not talking to my family, or friends, no physical connection to the world at all. No one knows what happens afterward. Do people just cease to exist once they die? [obivously I'm not talking about their bodies] How do you know if you die? How do you kow if you become nothing? Can you feel it? What happens to your mind/spirit/soul/etc.? Thinking about it too long scares me. I have to force myself to change the subject, which is actually pretty hard sometimes.


Another fear I have is extreme elevations. I don't mind being somewhere with a protective guard rail or anything... but if there's nothing stopping you from falling from a great height [i'm been in situations like that too many times for my own liking...], one wrong move, and well, have a nice trip!


And falling from a great height itself for that matter. Being stuck spiraling downwards towards certain peril and pretty much nothing you can do about it... staring death in the face.... I'd be either speechless [as in completely parlyazed with fear] or bawling my eyes out. Really.


To top it off, I'm scared of murderers/torturers. Many of these psychos go the extra mile to kill people in some of the most gruesome and sadistic people. Imagine being stabbed or shot in the stomach. Or the face. Or other areas where the pain might be even worse. People who know how to kill someone quickly and effectively who prolongs your suffering. Oh look.... you survived the madman's cruel, twisted, torture.... and as a reward you get to die painfully [there's more!?!?!!] and never see anyone you love ever again. At least the pain will be gone soon... not! Imagine someone crazy doing all that to you. But this doesn't always seem that serious until it happens to you or someone close to you. That's why... it's so scary.

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I cannot go a single flight without thinking if this plane crash or will it land safely.


That is a 50% chance of success (there are two outcomes, good and bad; therefore you have a 50% chance of a good outcome). Other 50% chances you take more often:


- the 50% chance you'll wake up tomorrow morning

- the 50% chance your subway train won't derail and send you into a pillar or tunnel wall

- the 50% chance that you will successfully make it to the corner store tomorrow


Do you worry about those as much?

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