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Are You A Black Ink Or A Blue Ink Person?

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Racist thread. I don't see white ink listed.

Serious? :eek: I never thought of it that way. Maybe then, it's kind of like that when choosing white or yellow wide rule refill pads for my notebook.


Some things just seem to go together:

*Black Ink and Blue Ink;

*White Junior Legal Pads and Yellow Junior Legal Pads;

*White Pages and Yellow Pages;

*Ebony Piano Keys and Ivory Piano Keys;

*Red On Yellow:

*Red And Tan;

*Purple And Pink.

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It really doesn't matter whether a black man or a white man waves a checkered flag...

It's still the end of the RACE.





wait... what was this thread about again.....


Lmao wow

...I use whatever I have available but its like 51% black, 49% blue

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Hmm......Blue Ink doesn't seem as popular as I thought it might be. And no one (except for INDman) mentioned about Green, Red, or Violet Ink.


Maybe blue, green, red and violet ink is good for journals and writing short notes to your Special Person.


The only blue ink I, myself, seem to like is Zebra's F-301. It writes in fine point a nice shade of blue. I also like Zebra's red ink.

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