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10/27- Vote Transit! Rally to Stop Fare Hike/Service Cut


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This event is hosted by Transportation Alternative



If they want our vote on November 2nd, then they need to stand up for riders and stop the fare hike and service cuts!


We’re tired of fare hikes, tired of service cuts, tired of dirty stations and tired of elected officials that make riders pick up the tab when they don’t vote for transit! Enough is Enough.


Join the Rider Rebellion on the evening of October 27th in Union Square


Vote Transit! Rally

5:30 – 7:00 pm

Union Square, South side


Special Guest Speaker: The Reverend Al Sharpton


Representatives from all of the major political parties have been invited to tell riders why a vote for their party is a vote for transit.


Text REBEL to 30644 to Join the Rider Rebellion!

Or go to http://www.RiderRebellion.org


For more information on the campaign email Rebel@RiderRebellion.org or call 1-646-873-6023


*Transportation Alternatives is strictly a nonpartisan 501©(3) organization that neither supports or opposes any political party or candidate for office.

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