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Transit waste of money

Guest MTA Bus

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Guest MTA Bus

i ride the train frm broadway junction to manhattan.why are there 5 mta employes standing around .they are just doing nothing to to earn there salary. they are all seasoned employees so all total it might be 300,000in salary being wasted.what can be done to either reassign or make use of the manpower that is being wasted .or even retirement.

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i ride the train frm broadway junction to manhattan.why are there 5 mta employes standing around .they are just doing nothing to to earn there salary. they are all seasoned employees so all total it might be 300,000in salary being wasted.what can be done to either reassign or make use of the manpower that is being wasted .or even retirement.


You need to explain more please....

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Also would it kill some people to type more clearly? I get it a phone's buttons are smaller, but that shouldn't be an excuse.


I don't know. All I know is the influx of new people from "Strap ons" or wherever they are coming from are about as bright as a black hole.

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i ride the train frm broadway junction to manhattan.why are there 5 mta employes standing around .they are just doing nothing to to earn there salary. they are all seasoned employees so all total it might be 300,000in salary being wasted.what can be done to either reassign or make use of the manpower that is being wasted .or even retirement.

You know what? I love it. People that complain about what someone else does or is not doing and is not in their shoes. How do you know they were just "sitting around"? How do you know they weren't awaiting further instruction? Learn the full story first.


Internet via the phone: I curse the day this happened. Just type from a damn computer, proofread what you typed on the phone, or stick to Ims only.

Hey man, just because one person doesn't know how to type on a phone, don't damn the people that do. As a matter of fact, I'm typing this on my HD2 - And that has NO buttons.

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i ride the train frm broadway junction to manhattan.why are there 5 mta employes standing around .they are just doing nothing to to earn there salary. they are all seasoned employees so all total it might be 300,000in salary being wasted.what can be done to either reassign or make use of the manpower that is being wasted .or even retirement.


Ugh, another one. Before jumping to conclusions, get your facts about what you saw first!

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i ride the train frm broadway junction to manhattan.why are there 5 mta employes standing around .they are just doing nothing to to earn there salary. they are all seasoned employees so all total it might be 300,000in salary being wasted.what can be done to either reassign or make use of the manpower that is being wasted .or even retirement.


Were they standing in a group of separately? If they were together, I can think of several cases in which this would be the case...


Could be engineers surveying the station's conditions, or infrastructure workers waiting for a job (as previously mentioned), or something else...


I'll tell you something though: in most cases if they are doing nothing, they would be sitting around, not standing around. They know the station, why waste energy standing? I hung out with a friend T/O overnight on a G.O. where he had to relay trains. I tell you, we definately weren't standing waiting for the next train.


As everyone here implied: don't assume things, you know how it makes us look...

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i ride the train frm broadway junction to manhattan.why are there 5 mta employes standing around .they are just doing nothing to to earn there salary. they are all seasoned employees so all total it might be 300,000in salary being wasted.what can be done to either reassign or make use of the manpower that is being wasted .or even retirement.


await further info before any of us can comment and reply? As other state they could have been on a break.:confused:

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Hey man, just because one person doesn't know how to type on a phone, don't damn the people that do. As a matter of fact, I'm typing this on my HD2 - And that has NO buttons.


Fine.. but still point still stands. The buttons/screen are a pita to type on. [used to type a few posts from my itouch.] Just take the time to at least proof read before clicking submit is what I'm saying.

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Fine.. but still point still stands. The buttons/screen are a pita to type on. [used to type a few posts from my itouch.] Just take the time to at least proof read before clicking submit is what I'm saying.


Oh yeah, that's completely true. It's like people no longer bother typing or speaking properly.

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The salaries of 5 people, pales in comparison to how much "transit wastes money".


But I gotta tell you:


- I love how you came up w/ the number of 300,000

(if it were more or less than that number you miraculously picked out of the sky, who cares, Worry about your own pockets...)

- I love how you come to the judgment that they do nothing (your words) to earn their salaries... as if you're up under all 5 of their asses 24/7....

- I love how you have the gall to indirectly state that these guys should lose their jobs...

"make use of the manpower that is being wasted"... some nerve...



I don't even work for the MTA, and I'm screaming out one big collective F*** You !!


It's people like you that dry snitch & have hardworking people standing on unemployment lines because of some concocted convoluted conclusion you derived from "what you saw"...


mind your business & go kick rocks dude....

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Some people cant help it..


Its called Dyslexia...


I don't mean things caused by actual dysfunctions.


I mean speech like THIS:


1. Ghetto Talk



The language of 90% of urban dictionary users.

"Oh nigga, I just gae dat guh da nastiest case o' hupes eva at da partay down in da ghetto of ATL!!!!!"


"Dude, you're 12. You're parents are lawyers. You live in a mansion for f**k's sake."


"Ah shoo, whyz yooz hatin' on me?"


"Look shitnitz, take your white ass and your CapriSun out of my house."


"Aight Dawg!"


"I'm not your 'dawg' and stop with the Ghetto talk... seriously..."


and typing like this:


1. Ghetto Typing


When people on websites decide it's cool to type in sporadic uppercase, in such a way that it looks like their Caps Lock is broken.

"I aM So HeLlA GhEtTo... mII boii Iz sO GaNgStA. -Ghetto Typing

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"Look shitnitz, take your white ass and your CapriSun out of my house."



I know it's an example, but no one in the hood talks like that though...

Well, god help them if they do.



..and that random lowercase/uppercase shit, that's actually a reason why I keep my distance from the facebooks, myspaces, twitters of the world.... and it's usually females that type like that more than the guys do... because they wan't to stand out amongst the rest of the flock....

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I know it's an example, but no one in the hood talks like that though...

Well, god help them if they do.

Those select few do :P


..and that random lowercase/uppercase shit, that's actually a reason why I keep my distance from the facebooks, myspaces, twitters of the world.... and it's usually females that type like that more than the guys do... because they wan't to stand out amongst the rest of the flock....

Well it's frickin' annoying as hell. Those sentences are eye killers. I just wish it would stop, so that all of the Internet can be readable and not damage your eyes in the process. I still don't get how that makes ANYBODY look "cool". To me it just looks like you're dumber than this character:



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