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My Fantasy Map


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Here's my newest fantasy map:




(F)(R) extended to Northern Blvd

(E)(J)(Z) extended to 227 Street

(C) extended to Francis Lewis Blvd

(R) extended to Coney Island

(2)<5> extended to Avenue U

(N) extended to Kissena Blvd

(Q) extended to 125th Street and Lexington

(3) extended to JFK

(7)(L) extended to 14th Street and 10th Avenue

(1) extended to 254th Street

(A) extended to 254th Street


(T) added, going from 125th Street and Lex to Canarsie

(B) goes to 5th Avenue from 63rd Street to 125th Street


Rush hour express service on (N) from Coney Island to 59th Street (Brooklyn) and in Queens

Rush hour express service on (1) from 145th Street to 96th Street

Rush hour express service on the <4>


I also made the map look a bit more geographically accurate (especially in the Bronx).

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Here's my newest fantasy map:




Minor Changes:


#1. (B) trains stopping at two 125th Street Stations? Convert the east side of 125th Street Station to 125th Street-5th Avenue and the west side of 125th Street Station to 125th Street-Lenox Avenue.


#2. (F)(R) trains stopping at 2 Union Turnpike Stations? Convert them like what I just told you on step 1.


#3. For the Nassau/Jamaica Line, 4 trains in 1 track will be a disaster. There is an express track but both north and southbound trains can't go express at the same time in 1 track.


#4. Why including the (Z)? The (Z) does a skip-stop route for only a short amount of time.


In my opinion, the map you created is not bad, but you did well!

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Alright, here we go.


1) (N) service isn't needed past LGA

2) Astoria needs TWO lines

3) You have 2 Northern Blvd, 2 Union Turnpike, and 2 125 St.

4) The (C) can't run to Lefferts/Francis Lewis. You need an express service there

5) Coney Island can't handle 5 lines

6) I don't really like the (T) route. I would have it run to lower manhattan and then go into brooklyn


7) (7) and (L) extensions are good!

8) (2)/(5) extension is good too.

9) I find what you did with the (B) very interesting. I like it though. It's something I haven't seen before. I say keep it that way

10) The (3) extension is interesting too. I don't think there would be enough ridership for the (A) and (3) to run there though.


So I would cut the (R) back to 95 St (or maybe 7th Av). Then I would send the (T) to lower Manhattan and then have it go from there.

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Alright, here we go.

*Astoria needs TWO lines

*You have 2 Northern Blvd, 2 Union Turnpike, and 2 125 St.

*The (C) can't run to Lefferts/Francis Lewis. You need an express service there

*Coney Island can't handle 5 lines

*The (3) extension is interesting too. I don't think there would be enough ridership for the (A) and (3) to run there though.

*So I would cut the (R) back to 95 St (or maybe 7th Av). Then I would send the (T) to lower Manhattan and then have it go from there.

*Bah, screw NIMBY's. They had the lonely (R) before swapping with the (N) in the late '80s. The Astoria Exp can be eliminated while keeping the other express portion north of Astoria.

*Lenox Av/125 St and 5th Ave/125 St? Dunno the rest...

*Or make another Express variant and leave the (A) with the Rockaways. :tup:

*It did handle 6 or more lines during the '70s and '80s. You can find said maps here.

*Maybe a (3) extension to Riverdale?

*Or use the (W) to go beyond 95th/Bklyn. :tup:

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Again, trying to utilize every piece of available express track without knowledge of what those express tracks do...

1. (4)'s cant express right out of Woodlawn without redesigning the yard. The middle track between Bedford and Woodlawn is used for putins and layups. Often they lay right up on Mosholu middle itself. That's why along with ridership demands the second Bx Xpress pilot ran from Kingsbridge.

2. Be better off running the (R) through the yard and on new structure on Union Tpk itself and letting the (F) extend up Hillside. There's no need to connect QB service with Northern Blvd if the (7) continued up Roosevelt and onto Northern since its just a few blocks north.

3. The (N) doesn't need to go past LGA, just needs to get a stop at each terminal. And like someone mentioned earlier, a second service is very helpful.

4. (T) or (Q) should go to the Bx via Park Av (3rd Av el replacement) to Fordham (yes not Gun Hill), and what doesnt go to the Bx should go across 125.

5. Two (F)s?

6. I never liked the (C) having local service up to Lefferts branch. I always preferred just having a new service (K) provide 24/7 207-Lefferts to finally distinguish for the ridership between the two services (and no shuttle at night), and use something other than a R46 for the (K). Far Rock (A) service to be express 24/7 in Manhattan.

7. So if the (1) is express peak direction from 145 (bad idea anyways, 137 and 116 are major stops), what's stopping along the local?


Just a few thoughts.

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Hmm I love it but there are somethings here that caught my eye:


- 3rd or Park Avenue's need the (T) or (Q) there, & a 125 street crosstown to 137 street on the (1)

- The (T) should go past the Willy-B, to lower Manhattan & via Red hook to Coney Island, to replace the (R).

- I like the (3) to JFK but extend the (3) to the main part of the airport or might aswell take it out of there since the (A) is there.

- I really like the (E)(J)(Z) extension/express service.

- I think the (N) should go to Flushing-Main street with the (7)<7>

- The (2)<5> extension is good.

- Is there a AM/PM express service along the sea beach line since there is one track? or you renovated the other track?



Well that's pretty much it, but I really like this one :o

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Thanks for the feedback guys.


- I'll fix the lines which have more than one station with the same name

- (T) will be extended downtown and go into Brooklyn

- Bring back (W) train to help serve Astoria, maybe cut the (N)(W) back to LGA

- Send the (Q)(T) to the Bronx

- Get rid of (1) express or just make it 4 tracks up there and bring back the (9) as an express.


I think I'll leave the (3) to JFK how it is. No offense to anyone, but I'd feel much safer riding the (3) to the airport than the (A).

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I think I'll leave the (3) to JFK how it is. No offense to anyone, but I'd feel much safer riding the (3) to the airport than the (A).

Problem is, the (3) is a Brooklyn local. Also, the (A) and (3) both go to the West Side. IMO, extend the (4) to JFK instead, to provide a Brooklyn Exp as well as an East Side alternative.

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  • 2 years later...

Amazing! If you could make a Unchanged one, I could use it to make mine! :D


I mean Unchanged as in no new lines or extensions. Everything else; same.


And once again we observe the wild necroposter in his natural habitat.

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As one picture usually conveys more than a thousand words can do:




This Unchanged enough for ya?



We must be very careful; if corrected provoked, necroposters can get very defensive. If we approch, we must do so slowly...



And once again we observe the wild necroposter in his natural habitat.

Ah shuddup all of you. Ever heard of just asking a question? sheesh

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Ever heard of just sufficiently upvoting one of those 2010 previous posts in the first page?


Yes, but how would i be asking by doing that?


It's bad internet etiquette to bump such old threads. For that matter, so is telling those who told you off for it to "shut up".


I know... I just don't like some people when they disturb me for a unimportant reason, perhaps, a stupid comment or activity.

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General rule on the forum: if a thread is very old (the last post was made at least several months ago), you shouldn't post in it unless you have something new to add (and it should be important). I'm not trying to play moderator as that isn't my job anymore, but it is bad netiquette to bump old threads as it gives other members the idea that there was some kind of update, depending on the content of the original post.

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