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Have You Been To Elizabeth?

EE Broadway Local

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A wonderful railroad city in Union County. If you've been to Elizabeth, have you seen The Elizabeth Arch on Broad Street, the Elizabeth S-curve, the railroad bridge at Elizabethtown Plaza and West Jersey Street, and the Elizabeth and North Elizabeth Stations?


The Elizabeth Arch is :cool:.

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Yes, elizabeth has a large industrial component about the city...


I've taken (NJT) 40 through its industrial parts & (NJT) 62 through some of the commercial & residential parts....


also been to jersey gardens & the IKEA out there on a few occasions.

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That S curve needs to be straightened out more or you can kiss improved speeds into the future goodbye. There is a stretch of unoccupied land directly west of the current ROW that amtrak could build a new embankment & bridge on.


Union county college built a building too close to the ROW for there to be much improvement on that part of it, if they moved the ROW it would have to be on a viaduct vs embankment.


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The acela goes 80 through the S i believe, everything else goes 60 or slower due to non-tiltage.


If it was straightened completely it would shave 10 minutes off, no need to slow into it or waste time accelerating out of it. They can't do that, all they can do, if/when they ever have the money, is make it a sweeping curve, this way you could use super-elevation to speed it up more.


They could construct the new parts, new wires new towers etc then over a weekend or such take the old alignment out of service and put the new alignment into service.


To avoid construction delays you could close broad street elizabeth (full name of station) have stops at north elizabeth instead & use shuttle bus to connect.


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