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SBS M15 Drivers


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The MTA has modified its rules on the new SBS M15 Service. Riders with an SBS receipt may now use it to board a local bus that arrives before the SBS bus. This is an intelligent adaptation of the rules, but unfortunately this has not been passed on to all SBS drivers. Many have refused riders who attempt to board a local with the SBS receipt.


It would be nice if management could get the word out to ALL drivers about this change in policy.

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The MTA has modified its rules on the new SBS M15 Service. Riders with an SBS receipt may now use it to board a local bus that arrives before the SBS bus. This is an intelligent adaptation of the rules, but unfortunately this has not been passed on to all SBS drivers. Many have refused riders who attempt to board a local with the SBS receipt.


It would be nice if management could get the word out to ALL drivers about this change in policy.



My question was, if a passenger gets onto a SBS bus and doesn't know that they need to pay BEFORE boarding, is the driver required to state where they should pay and to state the fare like they would on the normal buses? I'm asking because apparently a few passengers especially some of the elderly people have had problems with this. One elderly lady got on a SBS M15 and asked the driver where she should pay. The driver ignored her, closed the doors and drove on to the next stop. Luckily for her there were no MTA police around or she probably would've been ticketed.

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Bx12 riders know which is local and SBS. They don't mind waiting for SBS if it is seperate stop.


If the +SBS+ is delayed, or if they are going a relatively short distance, the local may be faster than the +SBS+. It isn't a matter of knowing or not knowing, it is a matter of committing yourself to one bus instead of the other.

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To be honest, I don't know. Logic would seem to dictate that the bus driver explain the proof-of-payment system to the passenger, but, now I'm not sure.


There was a woman who was recently ticketed for getting on the bus and trying to pay the fare on-board. (According to her story) the bus driver didn't let her off and she was caught at the next stop by ticket inspectors. See the story here: http://secondavenuesagas.com/2010/11/27/fare-jumper-bemoans-getting-caught/


I think they are trying to make it like a light rail on wheels-the driver is only supposed to drive the bus.

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They've already been doing this for about a month now but some drivers didn't do it...I tried it on 10 seperate occasions at the same stop over the course of last week and drivers allowed it 70% of the time. It all depends on the driver

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