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(F) mixed


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When i took the (F) to CI, I saw only a few R160As coupled together, very few R160Bs coupled together. Mostly, I see R160A/Bs mixed together. 1 by 1 goin to 179 St, 10 R160A/Bs mixed.


1) Why are alot of the R160A/Bs on (F) mixed but on the (E) few were mixed?


Also, I dont get why the (F) goes to Kings Highway rush hrs weekdays?

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The R160A, and B can appear in mix set. Although it's uncommon it happens just like how an R68, and R68A can appear in a mix set too which is also uncommon. If the two subway cars are compatible then you can put them together in a mix set. Although it's rare you can do it.

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The R160A, and B can appear in mix set. Although it's uncommon it happens just like how an R68, and R68A can appear in a mix set too which is also uncommon. If the two subway cars are compatible then you can put them together in a mix set. Although it's rare you can do it.


Mixing of the R160a/b1's out of Jamica Yard is very common since they have the same motors. The R68/68a's mix dose not happen at all, there brakes are to differnts.

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Mixing of the R160a/b1's out of Jamica Yard is very common since they have the same motors. The R68/68a's mix dose not happen at all, there brakes are to differnts.


I believe they do the same thing to the Coney Island R-160A/B sets on the (N) and (Q) as long as they have Alstom Onix Traction Motor.

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R160A and R160B cars can and do mix. However there are a few exceptions:


-Siemens propulsion equipped cars will not be mixed with Alstom propulsion equipped cars because for some reason the resulting trains are excessively fast


-R160A-1 (4 car sets) will not be mixed with R160A-2 (5 car sets) for obvious reasons.


R68's and R68A's will not be mixed because their braking systems, while "compatible" in the most literal sense, will not perform well. The R68A's will take longer to apply their brakes than the R68's meaning that half of the train will not be slowing down during the first few seconds of a brake request.

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