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some people think Chris Christie should run for president

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I am going to leave this nation if anyone like Christie, Bloomberg, Trump, or any other dumb rich bastard becomes President.


Pack your bags, because those are the only guys that could possibly get into the office.

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I see that some are still partisan because the guy is a republican... This is why the parties should be abolished and people vote on the person based on their ideas.


And then a bunch of people with common beliefs will organize to better their chances of winning and identifying with a platform. Political parties aren't a bad thing, per se, and they're kind of inevitable.

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Pack your bags, because those are the only guys that could possibly get into the office.


Those 3 won't be going into office,those 3 are only for the rich.i'm not even gonna bother with Trump.

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What we need are leaders who remember there are words like "limit" and "budgit" (without "deficit" next to it) in English.


Christie is an example of such a leader.


Barack "healthcare bill the size of the Manahttan phone book" Obama is NOT such a leader.


How about "fairness" with "budget"?

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