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Breast implants among property lost on London transport


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"Excuse me Sir/Ma'am I seem to have misplaces my breast implants."


"Well, could you give me a brief description of what they look like."


More like: "Excuse me Sir/Ma'am I seem to hae misplaces my bap implants"


"Well, could ye give me a brief description of what they sken fancy"

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A dispatcher at KB told me an item I turned in was nothing. He remembered a guy leaving his artificial leg on the bus..........


I remember spotting an artificial leg on one of the MTA's lost and found posters in a subway car and wondering about it... now I know where that came from. Many thanks for relieving that vexation. But anyway, one has to wonder exactly how one goes about losing their breast implants :eek:

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I remember spotting an artificial leg on one of the MTA's lost and found posters in a subway car and wondering about it... now I know where that came from. Many thanks for relieving that vexation. But anyway, one has to wonder exactly how one goes about losing their breast implants :eek:


Stitches came apart & popped out?


- Andy

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You can loose breast implants on the tube/subway. In the free societies one can order these thing via the world wide web. Pick them up at FedEx or UPS, and take them home. On the day she (in some cases he), is having the operation, they just take them in to the surgeons office with them. It's like ordering parts for a car yourself, picking up the parts yourself, them having a certified mechanic do the work..........

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I'm sure this could be made into a very funny TV skit for MADTV or SNL. Even better would be taking a kid to the lost property room at 34th Street on the (A)(C) and (E).

"Hi, I would like to turn in lost proerty"

"OK sure what do you have, place it up on the desk."

"Well it's kinds heavy."

"OMG, thats a child, where did you find him?"

"I thought thats what it was, oh well your problem now!"

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