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What was everyone doing the morning of 9/11/2001?


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As everyone was going about their business one busy September morning, some people notice a very low flying jet. People then notice that this jet was heading straight for World Trade Center Number 1. Sadly it crashed into it killing whoever was on board and in it path. Some people watched in awe as the building smoked like a cigarette. "Could this be a bad accident?" some wondered. "Wow, this is one big mishap." other said. But it was evident that this happened on purpose when a second plane hit Number 2. Soon, the New York City people watched the two building smoke and burn with people stuck inside. another plane hit the Pentagon and soon another plane crashed outside of Harrisburg Pennsylvania. People ran for their lives as the South tower when down. 90 minutes later, the north tower collapsed on it weight. About 3000 people lost their lives. It was day we'll never forget...



You know I was only 9 when it happened and I was in school in Bushwick. I had a good shot of the Manhattan Skyline when it happen. When the South Tower fell, we felt it in Brooklyn! The ground shook, the light flicked and the everyone screamed in terror. I was scared so I got my friend and we rush to the subway and crammed on a packed (C) train. We went then went for the (L) at Broadway Juction to go home. Even from my Canarsie apartment, we felt it hard when the North Tower came down.


Years later, my best friend in the world Alex told me she lost her first cousin to it. I guess is why his sister always wears black on September 11th.

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On that day I was home and saw the news. I realized that I had family in the buildings. My mom who is NYPD left me home to try to reach our family. Sadly when she got there tower 2 had collapsed, most of our family worked in the south tower, a few in the north. So on every anniversary, I will be there to honor my family members. May everyone who passed on that tragic day rest in peace and god bless America and our troops, also god bless my dad and uncle who is back in Iraq.


I was a Senior In High School during 9-11. I miss those buildings so much, as Im sure we all do. For weeks following the tragedy, many nightmares took place when I went to sleep. One of my best freinds woke up under his bed one morning, not realizing how he got under there. He explained to me, that in his dream, we were under attack again. 9-11-01 is a day nobody will ever forget, But to New Yorkers( New Jersians?) ,it will stick with us forever, because we witnessed it, felt it, and lived it. May we never forget the lives lost, and the tragedy that took place on Tuesday, Septmeber 11th, 2001.


On this day, I was living in Queens and I was in school. We didnt really get the news until 9:30am. When my teacher said it, I didnt really think about it too seriously until there was an emergency evacuation at the school. So when my mom picked me up, she told me the story on how she had to walk across the Queensboro Bridge to come back into queens. When we arrived back home, I ran to my room, turned on the TV and I see the North Tower billowing smoke into the air.


When I saw the footage of the planes striking the towers, I was in sheer disbelief and in shock, I thought this was a dream like many others have but reality has smacked us right in our face. I spent at least 2 hours watching the news trying to comprehend what happened, as I didnt believe it and I refused to believe what happened. After I got tired of watching it, I went to my bed and just cried for about 30 minutes cause not only that these building was a huge part of most of our lives, but over thousands of people have died on that day, including those who risked their own lives and well being to save others trapped in the twisted steel wreckage.


Heh....2 days later, My sister and I went to Chinatown, and the block that leads to city hall was blocked off by army patrol. We took another way down there through the small streets and we got blocked off again, but we saw the remnants of one of the towers, my sister started to cry and we gave each other the biggest and most emotional hug ever. I started to cry as well and hugged her tight, then the army patrol officer lead us out of the area.


If those bastards think that 9/11 has broken our spirits, they might as well get shot square in the face, because since then, we have become more stronger and united more than ever.



If those bastards think that 9/11 has broken our spirits, they might as well get shot square in the face, because since then, we have become more stronger and united more than ever.


I couldnt've worded better myself dude.


That morning. I was on aol checking something in a way that made the welcome screen pop up. On it was various info, but one thing stood out. A photo of the smoking north tower. As i read the story & asked people in several chat rooms about it most people had no clue at all & several folks i knew for years suddenly singed off. I turned on the tv, it was on every channel with a news broadcast & it showed the towers & commentary. I immediately turned on CNBC because they have a lot of sources & people all over the world. One of the employees had dust all over him & started to describe his ordeal. At this point the "this is one crazy publicity stunt for a movie" and "this obviously isnt real" mindset changed into shock & horror. I couldnt even speak. I went upstairs where my sister was watching it on the tv up there. All i could manage to choke out was "can you believe this?"..... The day went on & was very quiet no cars on the road, very strange feeling in the air.


They were cops & firefighters & i knew why they signed off, they went to help.


20 of my friends that day perished in the north tower, they were attending a college fair & decided to do some exploring of the area. They ended up in "windows on the world" having breakfast.


The one i kept in touch with the most, called her parents & left a message. They were out shopping at the store at the time she called their house.


I met up with her parents in NJ 2 days later. They were broken looking, like their mind & heart were in a million pieces. I tried my best to comfort them. When they partly came to they played the message on the machine for me.


She sounded calm but urgent. She was looking with other people how to get down to the ground out of the building. She helped comfort those wounded by the impact, and seemed to have taken charge in several situations before finally ending the message with a "mom & dad in case i dont make it out i love you & dont hate the people who did this, they were not sane".


Just thinking bout listening to that message is making me cry. When i went thru WTC path station earlier i remembered her voice on that tape like i was listening to it live.


I still do not hate those people, or those that planned it,, but it still makes me sad every day on some level that a group would intentionally inflict this much harm on other beings.


It took me till mid november to work up the courage to go to the city, but it wasnt till 2005 that i visited the site.


I will never forget.


- A


I remember that was on of my 1st days of 7th Grade, I had just got off the (A) train at West 4th Street and was headed for school (St.Josephs) as soon as we got into home room we heard a distant explosion and looked out the window to see Tower 1 in flames :)...It was horrible day and I hope we never see such a thing ever again


I was driving westbound on the BQE heading to work in Bath Beach,Bk. I was driving a litte before the Manhattan bridge exit and there were motorists parked along the shoulder,standing on top of the guardrails watching the towers on fire,on their cell phones,taking pictures,etc. People were driving very slow,all of their attention was focused on the burning buildings.


I didn't stop driving but was listening on the radio what was going on,by the time the 1st tower came down I was a little past the Prospect Expwy/BQE split,from my rearview mirror I saw a huge cloud of white smoke,by now I was shaking,kept on driving until I got off the 92nd St exit of the BQE.


For several days and nights the air smelled really bad where I lived in Woodside,Queens. An acrid type of smell. This was an event that nobody will ever forget for the rest of their lives. May God bless America.


I was in class at Borough of Manhattan Community College, located 5 blocks north from where the towers once stood.


During a class lecture on economics, we felt and heard a loud bang. Since none of us knew what actually happened, the professor made a little funny statement and we all giggled. I thought to myself that maybe it was some construction accident. After the class was over, I went to the library to try and finish up a speech report that I couldn't do at home. After some time, I heard and felt another loud bang. I shrugged it off and kept doing the report. I also heard panicking from some people in the library and shrugged that off as well. Minutes later, a security guard told everybody to exit the building.


As soon as I went out the door, I immediately saw both of the towers burning, each with a huge hole. I was shocked. I, among many others, stood there for an unknown amount of time, a few were crying. I overheard someone say to another person that a chopper crashed into the towers (but we all now know that wasn't it). I also saw 11 people (not in total, but from the time I was out there) in the towers jump to their deaths. I didn't feel like standing around any longer, so I walked through the streets to go home. As soon as I got to West Broadway, a law enforcer shouted at everybody to get back and everybody, including myself, ran. After tha, I continued walking to look for a subway station and entered the first one I set my eyes on, which was Canal St.


As I entered the (6) train, everybody was talking about it, no matter who it was. I even spoke with a few that I don't even know, including one person who talked about an earlier WTC attack that happened in 1993. After the train surfaced from underground, I turned around to look out the window and the towers were still burning with huge black smoke above them. I got off the train, picked up a large carton of orange juice at a store, and went home to read that both of the towers collapsed, the pentagon being hit, and a plane crashing in Pennsylvania. I was in fear of another attack in NYC for over 4 weeks.


Just wanted to mention about it from my point of view because that day is one of those days that I'll never forget.


I was at school on that day. I was 8 years old at the time and I was in a science class in Fourth Grade. We were told by the teachers that the planes struck the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center and that they may have collapsed. I did not get the full details until I was home I took me a while for the reality to sink in. To this day it shocks me. :)


I was in school as well... a naive little third grader who thought it was either an accident or not real... We got an early dismissal from school that day, and it wasn't until I got home that I found out what had happened. Sad day, indeed. Like N-Trizzy's friend's cousin's sister (did I get that right?) I will be wearing black on every September 11th to remember those who lost their lives that day, and our soldiers who are in Iraq and Afghanistan because of it.


Well this day has been stamped in my head. Tuesday September 11th, 2001 I was @ my best friend's house in East New York, Brooklyn. Some how I couldn't sleep for anything, I decided to turn on the television to watch Maury and his dramatic paternity results show. Anyway when I changed the channel to WB11 @ that time. I seen the building on fire, so I thought it was news so I flipped through all the channels including MTV and BET it all covered the same thing, so I flipped back to channel 11 and within like 5-10 minutes of the news covering the building collapsed. I was in total shock and disbelief. I ran and woke up my best friend and told her what had happened, she didn't believe me @ 1st until she turned on the tv. We ran to the nearest payphones and called everyone we knew. I tried calling my father whom worked @ NYU Medical Center on E. 34th Street and 1st Avenue, after going to like 2-3 hang ups in my ear he was fine and found a way to get home. Watching on the news people were covered in dust, it was lots of smoke. Later on that day @ night my best friend and I went on the rooftop of a apartment building we saw nothing but thick dark smoke.


As a New Yorker my spirit has been up and those people whom destroyed the World Trade Center you didn't bring me down not one bit, it made become a better New Yorker and my spirit lives on stronger and better.


For those whom lost a loved one, friend or anyone close ....may they rest in peace


On my day at sk0ol, was hearing announcements and radio coming from intercom with my peers, about some bomb. I didnt know it was the WTC of course, so until days end, no school buses were cumming, teachers said a delay from downtown, seems like the teachers didnt want us scared, we moved to another room, and they were discussing about WTC, which Im confused. I notice parents comming in to school, my step-dad picks me up, I get home and I watch the News, and I see with eyes open, the WTC collapsing Video, and was very depressing..



RIP for anyone who passed away from 9/11 and the rescuers!




I was in my 6th grade science class at P.S. 22 (Jersey City, NJ). I looked out the window towards NY, and noticed smoke coming out the North Tower. I told my friends around me and my teacher and they all thought it was a movie. Then we see a plane come into view that was passing by the Statue of Liberty, across the bay and crashing into the South Tower. There is where it got skeptical. Then the principal came on and said that the US being attacked by terrorist hijackers. We moved into my next scheduled class. I wasn't able to see the South Tower collapse, but after it did, the principal told the teachers to take the kids to their home classroom an stay there. I was lucky to sit in the back, by the window and was able to see everything. A few of us just kept looking out, then we see the antenna or whatever that thing was on top of the North Tower, disappear into the building and the whole building just crumbled to the ground. It was so scary and I felt really really bad because earlier in the year 2001, my father had passed, and I remember him taking me to the WTC all the time. I was able to look out my window at home or at school and just think of the memories. I was crushed I couldn't do that anymore. Those terrorist SOBs think they won but they didn't in the end, they just got themselves a whole lot of hell coming to them. Osama better hope he dies before America gets to him.



I remember him taking me to the WTC all the time.
You were lucky. I never got to go into the Twin Towers. :D My dad said that he was going to take me there soon back in August 2001 when we saw them from the Statue of Liberty. BTW, did you go to both towers or just the south tower observatory?
  • 11 months later...

Since September 11th is very soon. I like to share my memory.

On September 11th, 2001.

I was living in 1771 1st Av at that time going to High School for Envrionmental Studies. My mom and I not news person, and that day I had doctor's appointment at Mt. Sinai Hospital.


After that appointment, I went to 5th Av & W. 102nd St stop and waited for M106.

As I paid my fare with Student MetroCard, I heard man was talking with B/O about plane.

I got off at Central Park West & West 97th St waited for downtown (:P or (C).

After while, train was not showing up, so when I got near turnstile, I heard two mens exchanging: "No train. Plane hit the tower."

I thought that time only downtown (:P© was suspended, so I ran to 94th St/Broadway entrance of 96th St IRT Station and waited for downtown (1)(2)(3).

Passengers and we were waiting for downtown as uptown trains were rushing through including Redbird, even (5) train was rushing up on (2).

After several moments, station announcement say: "Ladies & Gentlemen! Because of plane hit the tower, all subway services are suspended."

So, I rush to M5 Southbound stop at Riverside Drive & W. 97th St because I did not want to cut school.

When M5 Southbound open, it was RTS bus and overcrowded just like (J)(S) Bus over Williamsburg Bridge.

Soon as I got off M5 bus at W. 72nd St & Broadway, and transfer to M57 Eastbound across the street which was not crowded.

I got off at 57th St-10th Av and went I got to HSES, security thought I was cutting, but I told her I just got here from hospital. Ms. Yuka Bell, my paraproffesional told her that and it was at 4th period, which was my computer period.


Everyone was watching 9-11 news.

After-school, school bus company call school because it was based out of Queens to indicate traffic is halted from bridges and tunnels, but my mom came to pick me up.

As we enter to 57th St-8th Av, M31 bus came but my Student MetroCard was used up on suspended subway service, I told B/O, "I wasted my fare on subway that never comes." So, he did not say anything.

We took M31 ride straight home to 1st Av/91st St. As M31 was running eastbound on 57th St, we saw smoke coming out of tower very far away.

After I got home, I visted Yorkville Firehouse (my former neighborhood), and everyone was covered in dust.


When I turned to watch my favorite TV Shows, it was unlucky because every channels were turned onto 9-11 story.



After that event, I write sorrow message at fire station, well as attended 9-11 FDNY Brother funeral (even thought I don't like to go into Church). and head to Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Some security guards who were working at Roof Garden thought that smoke, too.


On Saturday following days, I thought every channel might be during 9-11 story and Pokemon show on KidsWB11 will not been show, but KidsWB11 was regular and I missed half of episode. Rest of channel was still talking about tragedy.

I only type mostly on computer because it is only 9-11 story for few weeks until my favorite shows return. My another best friend, Firefighter Vincient Kane, Engine 22 died in that event.


Yuki, this day always will be Tuesday September 11th and a sad day to me. :P :cry: :mad:


Former New York City Firefighter Mr. Dennis Smith (Engine Company 82 in Morrisania) was there and wrote about his experience in "Report From Ground Zero".


I'm sorry one of your firefighter buddies lost his life at the Twin Towers


When 9/11 happened I was a junior at Brooklyn Tech. I was in english class when the principal announced that there was a tragedy at the World Trade Center. Everyone in the classroom rushed to the window. The buildings were engulfed in a cloud of smoke. At first I thought it was a building fire. The next period I headed to Spanish class. People kept looking out the window. Halfway through the class one of the towers collapsed. One person said "oh sh**". At lunch period some kids got picked up from school by their parents.


Normally I took the LIRR home. I would take it from Flatbush Avenue to Locust Manor. However, all of the trains were terminating at Jamaica. I took the train to Jamaica. I then walked to Jamaica Center to catch the bus. At Jamaica Center I saw members of the National Guard holding rifles. The Q85 didn't come so I took the Q5. People were being let on for free. The scary thing about 9/11 is that 3 weeks before it happened I was at the World Trade Center. I remember visiting the underground mall.


It was my first day of Kindergarten. I was very excited about school. I was in school for about an hour, when all the mothers and fathers rushed into the school and snatched up their kids. I watched in horror as the towers fell on CNN. THE WORST DAY EVER.....


I was in high school, the principal was starting his back to school assembly, next thing one of the assistant principles runs franticlly into the auditorium, gets on the mic and says "A plane has hit the World Trade Center" What follows next was a surreal day of everyone in shock, people thought the world was going to end.


I was in fifth grade when teachers in my school went berserk, and then everyone was saying that the World Trade Center was gone. Parents were picking up their children left and right. We were dismissed at 1:45 that day and my dad was waiting outside. He was in Manhattan and had to spend $20 to get back into Brooklyn because vehicles weren't allowed to get in or out of Manhattan except emergency vehicles so somehow he got lucky. I'll never forget that day. Even eight years later and it seems like it happened yesterday.


I was in 2nd Grade when I saw one of the teachers yelling in the hallway that the one of the Twin Towers has been attacked/caught in fire(something like that). We all continued our school day with some of my classmates getting out of class with their parents. My parents did pick me up early as well and when I got home, both my mom and dad was terrified on what happened. Me, however, was being the usual me, looking at my mom's wallet for money. Stupid me... I do remember looking at one of the windows at our apartment and I could see the smoke coming from distance. It had to be the towers. I will never forget that day...even though I didn't care about it before, I will try to never leave it out of my head(or something like that)


I was attending high school in Philadelphia. The principal came over the loud speaker saying "We are under attack", freaking and confusing people out. We were directed to go to our homerooms where we saw a live feed of the report. Freaked me out because my Uncle worked in a building on the next block over. The principal dismissed school for the day around 12:30-1pm. I got home and I found out my uncle had called out sick that day so he was nowhere near the towers when they got hit. So he was lucky.


I was in High School, saw the buildings collapse with my own eyes since my High School was close enough in Brooklyn that you could see the Twin Towers. Sad day.

When I turned to watch my favorite TV Shows, it was unlucky because every channels were turned onto 9-11 story.
You consider not being able to watch your TV shows unlucky?:tdown:


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