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Illegal Bus Activity


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I know of a situation where several city bus companies are running their air brakes shoes down to well below legal limit such as 1/16 to 1/32 of an inch thick. They even had at least one major accident while going down a very steep grade and they cammed over on both sides of their single rear axle bus. It turns out it had cammed over earlier that day also and days prior and all they did was re-set the cam to high cam. My three questions are: Who could I report them to? How would I go about it? What if anything is there in writing that talks about re-setting an S-Cam after it has flipped or what should be done after a cam-over or is there nothing available because it's a no brainer for someone who actually has concern for other lives and not just saving money. Should an S-cam ever be re-set after it has flipped "cam-over" without addressing the problem if there is one? Thank you


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