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Fitty-Sev'um Sum'in

The Real

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Yeah, sh*t went down...here, hold this one too :)...




Mmmm, I like holding 5771, 5773, 74, 75 and all these X3-45s better... B)

All these gems coming to NYC... #NIIIICCCCEEEE. *fab voice*

Next to 5774 is that 2416 or 2418? can't really make out the bus #.






On the property is 2407, 2408, 2409, 2410, 2411, 2412.


2400 @ UP (suppose to move to YU today), 2402 @ ZA, 2403 @ YU.


2404, 2405 and 2406 must be in transition delivery to the MTA as they were at Prevost last week.




On the property is 2407, 2408, 2409, 2410, 2411, 2412.


2400 @ UP (suppose to move to YU today), 2402 @ ZA, 2403 @ YU.


2404, 2405 and 2406 must be in transition delivery to the MTA as they were at Prevost last week.


Which can only mean UP gets the backend delivery of this order.

:tup: *tips hat sir for stellar photography*


Great pics! I love the seating layout.


But those inward-opening doors... eeek! They're fine for other cities like Boston and Seattle, but not NYC. The MTA should stick with outward-opening doors.



The MTA is really stepping their game up:cool:

Only if LIB was still under the MTA :)


Ok I'm lost ;)Please explain to me why these have 57xx thanks.Wait these arent the ones going to JFK right? God I:tup: ...'m lost and I need a map on this one....2412 looks real Good :tup:Tires all shined up:tup::tup:

Great catches where ever this place is :tup: And I'm still in shock what I saw yesterday young man ...Question did you make it out of the woods on that gracious day with that gracious cough cough STEEd?


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