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Opinion on Franklin avenue R68's being retro fitted, and replaced by R179s?


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Oh my bad, I forgot I left the page on SIR. I think that SIR needs more cars then Franklin has. Altough I do agree, it would be better to retrofit R68's than R46's.

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Probably before the first renovation of the line in the 90s.

SIRTOA needs the R179 to get SIers over with already.


I heard these people don't want the R46s, but the R68s instead. Don't give them the old, give them the new and move on.


SI doesn't need such brand new trains. Plus given the nature of how they run 2, 4, 5 car trains, R68s does make more sense. You have the singles from the Franklin S to be the 5th car and at late nights you can have some of them be the 2 car trains for late night service. Assuming each of the cars of the 4 car sets can run independently, you could also run each car independently rather than to have b (trailer) cars (like with the R46/R179) sitting in the yard.


As for Franklin, you can put the R46 AA pairs there. With how those stations will need to be re-renovated, they should be rebuilt to accommodate a 300' train and that would free the (S) dependence on 150' trains.

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