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Lets play a little game. what would be the most craziest weirdest NYC subway train you would see in your life? life for me, if i saw an (E) train as an r68 or an (L) train as an r38?


A slant on any line after this summer, especially on the (E) or (F).


A R142 parading around on IND/BMT tracks with no one in it with <7> or (9) on the signs stopping at stations just to wig people out.


- Andy

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Lets play a little game. what would be the most craziest weirdest NYC subway train you would see in your life? life for me, if i saw an (E) train as an r68 or an (L) train as an r38?


And 8 car train of BMT Standards running on the Concourse, pulling into 161 right after the end of a Yankees game. :rolleyes::P;)

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-R32 on the (L)

-R40 on the (V)

-R160 on the (J)

-R68 on the (:rolleyes:


I can't think of a lot off the top of my head, but I'd certainly know when a train doesn't fit on the line it's on.


ahh R68 is already on the (:P.

my picks will be

R32 on the (L) and (J)

R40 on the (F)

R68 on the (A) or (E)

R160 on the (D) or (;)

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Weirdest subway car assignments that I can think of.


R40 on (E)(F)(M) and (V)


R42 on (D)(F)(G) and (V)


R46 on (:P(D) and (Q). I've seen the (D) use an R46 about 10 years ago, and the (Q6) used them briefly when there were problems with the (A). There was an R46 on the (M) pictured, but I don't remember if it was placed by mistake.


R68A on the (A)


R160A on (A) (;)(C)(D) and (F).

R160B on (F) and (Q). It was not for passengers to ride on though :rolleyes:

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