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How Does The Depot Pick Work??


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Hello, I'm a New Bus Operator and I saw the "schedules" were put up for the Summer Pick. How does the pick work for someone like me?





Go to the pick dispatcher when it is time for you to pick (they should tell you when well before it is time) and tell him/her what you want ("floater F42," "run 31 on route Bx9" etc). You can pick anything that has not been picked. When an assignment is picked, the word "PICKED" is stamped over it, but pay more attention to the dispatcher's lists (which you probably cannot see until you actually go to pick, though I do not remember exactly what the deal is here) rather than the lists in the swing room. The lists in the swing room give you an idea but they are not updated as often as the dispatcher's. If the word "PICKED" is stamped on an assignment on the swing room lists, then that means that particular assignment was definitely picked. If you do not see the word "PICKED" stamped on an assignment on the swing room lists, then it may or may not have been picked.


You can use the swing room lists as a guide if you want, but you may not want to look at it like every day from before the time people start picking, because there is not much of a point since the assignments go so quickly. Some people do this and end up getting disappointed later when almost everything is gone. Looking at the swing room lists a day or two before you have to pick is not a bad idea though. It gives you an idea of what to expect within a small window of time leading up to your picking time.


Every depot is different, but at Flatbush we have our pick boards posted in the back near our gym. There should also be another list with every operator in the depot in seniority order as to who picks first - so generally the #1 senior person goes first when the picking goes live. Make sure you look up your name on the list and see what day and time you're scheduled to pick. If you know you have to work that day, I would suggest putting in a change of assignment, or change of RDO so you have a chance to be there to pick your work instead of leaving a slip; no chance of an error happening that way.


I'm guessing you were thrown on the Extra List, right?


My advice, since you're at the bottom of the barrel, just go to the pick board the day before you're supposed to pick so you can have an idea of what's what and how to narrow what MIGHT be available when it's your time the next day. And don't tell anyone what you're looking at, especially if they pick before you.

And don't tell anyone what you're looking at, especially if they pick before you.


Excellent advice for anyone who picks or bids on a seniority basis.....You don't want to alert others to a position they might not have considered until they see that someone else thinks it is worthwhile....


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