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Say goodbye to more R40s


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Nice pics. THis is a version of Lou Gehrigh Speech. Honor to and courtesy of Lou Gehrig.

"Riders, for the last 40 years you have been riding on me from the first day to the very last day. Yet today, i consider myself as the luckiest car on the face of the earth"




Special Tribute to Lou Gehrig in honor for his performance and greatfulness.

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Ohh Emm Gee sweet pictures man!


Sad day for the Slants.


Nice pics!!


Looks like someone took 4198's number plate.


Nice pics.


Thanks boys!


Noooooooooooooooooo,MY BABYS!!!!!!




Those pics are so sad.


Thanks I was right the first time :mad: but title changed to something more appropriate anyway.


Don't worry, you'll meet em in the ocean... :(


I hope not.

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The subway car (R40) has outlived it's usefulness. I'm glad that the R40 cars got to spend their final runs on the (:(. When they're gone, we'll remember them, it's time to move on and enjoy the new cars. Great photos by the way.

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The subway car (R40) has outlived it's usefulness. I'm glad that the R40 cars got to spend their final runs on the (:(. When they're gone, we'll remember them, it's time to move on and enjoy the new cars. Great photos by the way.


Well said.


- Andy

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Who wants to go railfan in teh oceanz?


- Andy


Through what window? :(:D


Great shots both of you! Regardless of whether people like or do not like them it's a sad day for them. There are at most 94 slants left. A more realistic number is 30-50.

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They say beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, but anyone who will miss those ugly, rusted, leaking, banging, screeching, ducklings, needs their eyes checked.....
They're slanted ends, look nice, and tall RFW makes them a great train for railfans.
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Most subway cars bang and screech, even the NTT.


The NTT ain't as bad as the rest, except taking the curve into Simpson St., or 180st, The R142As are good for bucking, but it's a different bucking than the rust buckets......


Now what about the ugly, rusting, and leaking..... I know your sad about the demise of the R40Slant. If you want to be comforted for your sadness, Phil D will be glad to assist. You two can cry on each others shoulders when the last one is stripped naked, thrown onto the barge o' death, then dumped like medical waste into the ocean......:D:D:p:p.......

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