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Magic MetroCard Machine

Broad St. Belle

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:eek: This is just crazy!



Posted: 3:52 am

August 12, 2008


A RAIL 'RIP-OFF': A technological flaw in a Penn Station machine allowed a married couple and their friend to get — and sell — thousands of free rides, authorities say.




Three pals stumbled on a MetroCard machine in Penn Station that gave them free fares - and they milked it for $800,000 over nearly three years before the MTA caught on, authorities said yesterday.


The thieves - including a former student at the prestigious Wharton School of Business - were finally nabbed only after a routine agency audit uncovered their scheme, which came courtesy of a software glitch in the machine in the Manhattan transit hub, authorities said.


"The odds of [the suspects] stumbling on this were astronomical," MTA spokesman Jeremy Soffin said.


Here's the full story if interested

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It was an audit that finally snagged them. I guess they got too greedy.


Ah. I misread that last sentence. You figure, if they did that for that long, they were gonna get caught sooner or later. As they say, all good (well, good for them) things must come to an end.

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