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Subway fare hike in the works


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Can anyone imagine paying $3.00 to ride the subway. It just boggles my mind. I think its outrageous.


I really don't want to imagine it but something tells me that it will happen. I agree it is outrageous. Hopefully that extra money will actually go to some real transit projects or improvements if it happens.

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The subway fares here in boston is $2.00, bus i believe is $1.70.. but with the use of a charlie card u get a small discount when using the bus and the subway within the same trip or just a small discount using subway. charlie tickets however are considered as tokens so you would have to pay full fare all the way, personally i usea monthly link so i dont have to worry about looking for small change :rolleyes:

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Well, I'll start my shoulder shrug exercises. I do it enough, because $2 is hard for some to come by. I will be prepared for ALOT more, I don't have the fare. ALOT more shrugging of the shoulders will be done.


Frankly the fare does not have to be raised. All they NEED to do is put more undercover cops on the buses, since people love to sneak thruogh the back door. The fine is $90. That will pay for itself, plus some.

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That is a great idea, one problem with it though. It makes SENSE.


Where I work, when you come up with a great idea, you jokingly lose 2 days for thinking.


Seriously, if you did put a couple cops on a couple of buses and word got around, it might decrease the problem. But you have to wonder how many of the farebeaters actually have any money? I would also think you would grab a few bad guys who have warrants out against them. I see to remember that the TAPD caught a lot of bad guys who were turnstile jumping.




PS Look for a pm from me.

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That is a great idea, one problem with it though. It makes SENSE.


But you have to wonder how many of the farebeaters actually have any money?




PS Look for a pm from me.


That is true. Garnish their public assistance, disability, or whatever other income check they get. If they have none at all, a day in jail. It is one thing to ask for a free ride, and another to jump through the back door, taking seats away from fare paying customers. There are some regulars who jump through the back door. The Bx41 (Farebeat Express), and the Bx1/2 (Farebeat Limited) at Fordham Road is notorious for farebeats.

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I'd say I've seen more farebeats on the Bx12 than any other route.



I was going to put that one in there, but wasn't too sure since I never worked that line. It has the highest ridership in the Bronx, and suppose to be the money making line in the Bronx. So naturally it should have more farebeats than any other line.

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