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These men well be honored for saving


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wow, lucky for that man, seemed much easy to pick up the person then the 2006 version =S


btw is just me or was that (1) train purple?


BTW NY Times story:




But the NYT says diffrent, IRT, but vid is IND. =S


and thats not 50th street, since there is an express plat forum accessible to passenger. But story is true

LOL! Yes, that (1) train bullet was purple. H00ray for 80's and early 90's TV!


I looked twice, to make sure it was purple. lol


I remember seeing this video on the news or some TV Show back in 87 or 88! I always remembered seeing an R38( I didnt know what an R38 was though when I was 4 lol), hitting a guy, and removing his legs. But this clears it up; havent seent his footage, yeah, in about 19 or 20 years.

For a loooooooooong while they have had the purple (7)<7>... :):D



LOL sorry :( , i wasnt clear , I mean is there still a purple (1) mate, listed in the signs


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