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As subway homeless population grows, new $6M outreach effort by city and MTA - NY Daily News


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MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2014, 3:36 AM

Department of Homeless Services Commissioner Gilbert Taylor joined 3,000 volunteers Monday night, Jan. 27, 2014, into Tuesday morning for the Homeless Outreach Population Estimate, an annual city-wide headcount of New York's homeless population in New York. The commissioner toured around Madison Square Park and into the nearby 23rd St. N/R train station.

The homeless population in the subway has soared 90% in recent years, prompting an ambitious new effort to get the troubled riders assistance and off the rails, city officials said.

The city and the Metropolitan Transportation Authority are funding a $6 million outreach program that for the first time will regularly seek to engage the homeless in all 468 stations and on trains while they are in service — not just at end-of-the-line terminals or select “hot spots,” city officials said.

The program, which will be run by the Bowery Residents’ Committee, will triple to about 60 the number of workers the nonprofit now has assigned to the subway, said Danielle Minelli Pagnotta, assistant commissioner of the city Department of Homeless Services.

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Great to see that the issue is being recognize, rather than being ignored, and looking towards finding a beneficial solution.


One concern that I have despite this move which I think makes sense, is the dangerous conditions of the mens homeless shelters that can be comparable to our nations prisons. cases of male on male rape, assault, robbery and stabbings are still common.


Good to see that the City Of New York and the MTA are making moves to address this problem in such a way that with good intentions it benefits riders and the unfortunate ones alike. However the fact remains that because of these seriously dangerous conditions of the homeless shelters many homeless ones are rightfully reluctant to go still regardless for the aforementioned reasons. 


Now if DeBlasio would start to tackle the goal he has dedicated himself to in regards to skyrocketing cost of housing, I would be pleased. Nowadays this is an alarming situation for many of the lower middle class and those below the poverty line  regardless of what the 1 percenters of the wealthy and some extremist politicians say in deceptive and sinister terms. In hard reality: Its getting so ridiculous that in many instances it can be likened to another city facing a housing crisis out of control with a skyrocketing rate of unemployment and homelessness - namely Tokyo, Japan.


One concern that I have despite this move which I think makes sense, is the dangerous conditions of the mens homeless shelters that can be comparable to our nations prisons. cases of male on male rape, assault, robbery and stabbings are still common.


Good to see that the City Of New York and the MTA are making moves to address this problem in such a way that with good intentions it benefits riders and the unfortunate ones alike. However the fact remains that because of these seriously dangerous conditions of the homeless shelters many homeless ones are rightfully reluctant to go still regardless for the aforementioned reasons. 


Now if DeBlasio would start to tackle the goal he has dedicated himself to in regards to skyrocketing cost of housing, I would be pleased. Nowadays this is an alarming situation for many of the lower middle class and those below the poverty line  regardless of what the 1 percenters of the wealthy and some extremist politicians say in deceptive and sinister terms. In hard reality: Its getting so ridiculous that in many instances it can be likened to another city facing a housing crisis out of control with a skyrocketing rate of unemployment and homelessness - namely Tokyo, Japan.

With any hope some of these funds can be invested in improving housing for the homeless population, as like you mentioned the conditions of some of the current facilities are horrid to say the least.


As for DeBlasio I'll do the favor of giving him the benefit of the doubt for the time being, but an affirmative stance needs to be taken as soon as possible.


With any hope some of these funds can be invested in improving housing for the homeless population, as like you mentioned the conditions of some of the current facilities are horrid to say the least.


As for DeBlasio I'll do the favor of giving him the benefit of the doubt for the time being, but an affirmative stance needs to be taken as soon as possible.


Well as we well DeBlasio knows that the median household income has not moved since the mid-1960s despite what the calculations of what defines the poverty line states, as it is based on a model in the 1950s which is preposterous!


According to an article I have read on alternet this morning which I've shared the annual income of the top 1 percent has increased by an average of approximately 200 percent ! Meanwhile the costs of living has stayed stagnant for many years and actually increased. It was mentioned that that economic deprivation leads to psychological hardship which is a factor that needs to be considered in why many are having great difficulty in escaping the trap along with economic factors.


It will take a series of hard-hitting efforts to tackle this problem with homelessness and the horrific conditions of the shelters. While its understood that the homeless are seeking refuge from the cold weather this year which I believe led to this political move by the city, it doesn't stop with efforts made by the MTA and the Department Of Homeless Services. 


The city councilmen, and congressmen affiliated with New York State needs to get with the program, this is a problem that is getting out of hand. I am concerned that some of the breakaway democratic groups that lean extreme right will bitterly fight the mayor at every move to curtail efforts at closing the economic gap which they feel as a threat to their continued prosperity in a spirit of wanton greed. They refuse to accept the fact that economic reforms will put a serious dent in the problem many New Yorkers are facing.


We as concerned NY'ers have to keep up the fight, voice out, fighting the censorship they are trying to attempt here on all communication mediums,  and make the fact be known that there is a battle happening here among politicians on each side of the spectrum with some special interest groups bent on destroying the social services model built into the capitalistic model, not giving a thought to letting the homeless die in the streets in their selfishness. I am in full support of DeBlasio's policies and will voice out as needed. Perhaps those of influence will finally listen and actually do something about this problem once and for all.


At the very least, any administration will be better to the homeless than the Bloomberg administration was.

I would like to know how much affordable housing was built under Bloomberg? From what I've heard a lot has been built, but I'm not sure of the quality or what is considered "affordable".  


I would like to see how this goes a little further down the road before I make any judgement on the situation.


You'll see...


I would like to know how much affordable housing was built under Bloomberg? From what I've heard a lot has been built, but I'm not sure of the quality or what is considered "affordable".


Bloomberg endorsed the construction of 55 microunits in the big city geared at those wishing to live in Manhattan and outerborough. I believe this is part of the Hudson Yards development project. ( (7) to 34th Street anyone?) It was claimed that Bloomberg's plan called for 40% of the housing units to be made affordable to lower middle income residents. Which is a lie because the lower income apartments actually start at $1800 dollars a month, for a microunit the size of a wardrobe closet, almost literally. Meanwhile really lower middle class New Yorkers seeking affordable housing can barely afford even $1000 a month for a studio even outerborouh without making severe sacrifices to their quality of life.


Another thing to note mind you, that under his administration there has been a freeze on affordable housing within the housing projects overseen by the NYCTA since 2009. Apparently that issue continues to be unresolved as of his last day in City Hall.


That was these so called 'achievements' under his administration in regards to the housing crisis. Hope that suffices to answer your question.


At the very least, any administration will be better to the homeless than the Bloomberg administration was.


Absolutely by a long shot as answered above. We wont have to deal with his substandard policy making with utter disregard to everyday law abiding New Yorkers in the Big Apple any longer.


I would like to know how much affordable housing was built under Bloomberg? From what I've heard a lot has been built, but I'm not sure of the quality or what is considered "affordable".  

Bloomberg and affordable housing? Where were you these past twelve years?


I would like to know how much affordable housing was built under Bloomberg? From what I've heard a lot has been built, but I'm not sure of the quality or what is considered "affordable".  


Any affordable housing was tacked on at the insistence of City Council. We're talking about the mayor who ordered the shelters to turn away people during storms.


Any affordable housing was tacked on at the insistence of City Council. We're talking about the mayor who ordered the shelters to turn away people during storms.


That is true. He even banned food donations to shelters. Talk about despicable.


Any affordable housing was tacked on at the insistence of City Council. We're talking about the mayor who ordered the shelters to turn away people during storms.

That seems like an egregious claim... NYC was destined to grow and expand and become a desirable place for folks to move to and that's simply what happened... Supply vs demand... Those who can't afford to live in NYC simply move out.  

That is true. He even banned food donations to shelters. Talk about despicable.

Oh please... Provide a reference for that... The same man you're bashing donated millions of dollars during his time as mayor to various causes, and is a well known philanthropist.




Oh please... Provide a reference for that... The same man you're bashing donated millions of dollars during his time as mayor to various causes.






"NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s food police have struck again!


Outlawed are food donations to homeless shelters because the city can’t assess their salt, fat and fiber content, reports CBS 2’s Marcia Kramer.


Glenn Richter arrived at a West Side synagogue on Monday to collect surplus bagels — fresh nutritious bagels — to donate to the poor. However, under a new edict from Bloomberg’s food police he can no longer donate the food to city homeless shelters.

It’s the “no bagels for you” edict.


“I can’t give you something that’s a supplement to the food you already have? Sorry that’s wrong,” Richter said.

Richter has been collecting food from places like the Ohav Zedek synagogue and bringing it to homeless shelters for more than 20 years, but recently his donation, including a “cholent” or carrot stew, was turned away because the Bloomberg administration wants to monitor the salt, fat and fiber eaten by the homeless.


Richter said he was stunned. He said his family has eaten the same food forever and flourished."





Anything else you wish to add?






"NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s food police have struck again!


Outlawed are food donations to homeless shelters because the city can’t assess their salt, fat and fiber content, reports CBS 2’s Marcia Kramer.


Glenn Richter arrived at a West Side synagogue on Monday to collect surplus bagels — fresh nutritious bagels — to donate to the poor. However, under a new edict from Bloomberg’s food police he can no longer donate the food to city homeless shelters.

It’s the “no bagels for you” edict.


“I can’t give you something that’s a supplement to the food you already have? Sorry that’s wrong,” Richter said.

Richter has been collecting food from places like the Ohav Zedek synagogue and bringing it to homeless shelters for more than 20 years, but recently his donation, including a “cholent” or carrot stew, was turned away because the Bloomberg administration wants to monitor the salt, fat and fiber eaten by the homeless.


Richter said he was stunned. He said his family has eaten the same food forever and flourished."





Anything else you wish to add?

Nice way to try to twist the story... God forbid someone actually gives a damn about the well being of New Yorkers and tries to ensure that they eat healthy food instead of things loaded with salt, grease and everything else.


Nice way to try to twist the story... God forbid someone actually gives a damn about the well being of New Yorkers and tries to ensure that they eat healthy food instead of things loaded with salt, grease and everything else.


The facts are right there clearly presented by a legitimate media source. you asked for a source you was provided with one. The end.


The facts are right there clearly presented by a legitimate media source. you asked for a source you was provided with one. The end.

Yes, but next time try to give the whole story instead of excluding why the administration banned food donations.  Donating food loaded with salt, fat and preservatives is not what people need.  They need healthy food.


Yes, but next time try to give the whole story instead of excluding why the administration banned food donations.  Donating food loaded with salt, fat and preservatives is not what people need.  They need healthy food too.


Fresh nutritious bagels?


Replay: http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2012/03/19/bloomberg-strikes-again-nyc-bans-food-donations-to-the-homeless/


"Glenn Richter arrived at a West Side synagogue on Monday to collect surplus bagels — fresh nutritious bagels — to donate to the poor. However, under a new edict from Bloomberg’s food police he can no longer donate the food to city homeless shelters.

It’s the “no bagels for you” edict."


Be sure to read articles carefully before making erroneous conclusions or twist the facts and make absurb accusations.


So what else would you like to discuss?


Nice way to try to twist the story... God forbid someone actually gives a damn about the well being of New Yorkers and tries to ensure that they eat healthy food instead of things loaded with salt, grease and everything else.

Man, seriously, you need to STFU. I've been really, REALLY, seriously, SERIOUSLY trying to avoid commenting on your ridiculous, outrageous, pompous, upper crust views. Damn near every post you make has either you riding express buses, headed for or coming from some tutoring session, traveling from, in, around Riverdale or some other neighborhood where you "used to live". You're ALWAYS commenting on people less fortunate than yourself, complaining about upper middle class woes and the supposed limited public transportation options, insinuations about how the poor and minorities are savages or hints about where they can go if they can't afford to live in NYC. Like you're some privileged, entitled 5-piece pinstriped suit wearing executive who thinks he possesses the wisdom of a well informed sage, when in actuality, your views are bigoted, narrow minded and usually totally without compassion, understanding or merit. Whenever someone challenges you on your biased views, your response is a defiant "This is my opinion. If you don't like it, don't read it."


Well here is MY opinion: f*ck off!


You can have the last word because frankly, just typing this response to you sickens me and I'll have nothing further to say to you, hopefully EVER, yet I make no guarantees.


Good Day, Sir!


I have to add this: You are the classic troll. Your post count is the highest, if not THE highest, on this board. You draw people out with your posts, engage with banal, dismissive banter, then move onto the next thread to see what other conflict and commotion you can stir up.


You are the classic definition of a troll and if I didn't have respect for this forum I would think you are tolerated (or even encouraged) by the staff to stir things up and drive traffic.


I hope that's not the case because this site can do well without your...comments.


Man, seriously, you need to STFU. I've been really, REALLY, seriously, SERIOUSLY trying to avoid commenting on your ridiculous, outrageous, pompous, upper crust views. Damn near every post you make has either you riding express buses, headed for or coming from some tutoring session, traveling from, in, around Riverdale or some other neighborhood where you "used to live". You're ALWAYS commenting on people less fortunate than yourself, complaining about upper middle class woes and the supposed limited public transportation options, insinuations about how the poor and minorities are savages or hints about where they can go if they can't afford to live in NYC. Like you're some privileged, entitled 5-piece pinstriped suit wearing executive who thinks he possesses the wisdom of a well informed sage, when in actuality, your views are bigoted, narrow minded and usually totally without compassion, understanding or merit. Whenever someone challenges you on your biased views, your response is a defiant "This is my opinion. If you don't like it, don't read it."


Well here is MY opinion: f*ck off!


You can have the last word because frankly, just typing this response to you sickens me and I'll have nothing further to say to you, hopefully EVER, yet I make no guarantees.


Good Day, Sir!


All true.


But word of advice dont let him incite you to anger with his clearly prejudiced and insulting views because thats what he wants to get people who challenge him tripped up violate the posting rules of this forum on purpose which is despicable and indeed articulate trolling spam posting and baiting to incite flamewars which i seen countless times. Take my lead as well as others, I debate him intelligently to prove his wrongs and prejudiced views careful as to my demeanor. Thats how you handle those who throw vicariously prejudiced trollbait.


All true.


But word of advice dont let him incite you to anger with his clearly prejudiced and insulting views. Take my lead, I debate him intelligently to prove his wrongs and prejudiced views careful as to my demeanor. Thats how you handle those who throw vicariously prejudiced trollbait.

I needed to get that out of my system. I'm done.


I needed to get that out of my system. I'm done.


Not a problem sir. I can understand the downvotes as well, in this case IMHO its legitimate as he said some disgusting things non pertinant to the discussion, which is offensive clearly so, and clearly an attempt to monopolize threads into pissing contests. But be careful with the upvote feature. because he wants people to deliberately downvote him to get ppl further in trouble.


I hope everyone reading this thread can see now that there is indeed a problem here which pertains to viscariously racist comments meant to incite people to anger, it is getting out of control. Saying that as a concerned senior member,


I'm leaving this alone now, not a mod ,not in my jurisdiction to go farther with this interuption past this point.


But for the record TeeLow I hear you. Many others do as well.


I have to add this: You are the classic troll. Your post count is the highest, if not THE highest, on this board. You draw people out with your posts, engage with banal, dismissive banter, then move onto the next thread to see what other conflict and commotion you can stir up.


You are the classic definition of a troll and if I didn't have respect for this forum I would think you are tolerated (or even encouraged) by the staff to stir things up and drive traffic.


I hope that's not the case because this site can do well without your...comments.

I'm opinionated and always have been and I don't bite my tongue.  That can piss some people off, but that's not my problem.  I represent a side that isn't necessarily spoken for, so therefore I'm seen as a troll, as attacking others and so on.  It is what it is.


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