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Hello all. My name is Mike and I'm from Coney Island and I am a newbie to the forum. I will be taking the Conductor exam on Dec. 6th and am so looking forward to being part of an awesome team. I joined the forum to not only stay up to date on all MTA info but to also meet and talk to people that hopefully one day I will get to meet on the job. Thanks for letting be part of the Forum.



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Hey Mike ... welcome to the forums and good luck on the exam. I hear they ask a lot about calculus and astrophysics on the new test nowadays , so brush up on those things if you want to pass .......................... just kidding -_-


Great place to work , lot's of great people , if you have any questions about anything feel free to ask ... if I know the answer I'll be happy to help , and if I don't I'll just make something up that sounds good ...


All kidding aside , welcome to the forums and hope you ace the test.

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