Coolbreezing Posted September 27, 2008 #1 Posted September 27, 2008 The presidential debate proceeded in favor of Barack Obama. However, if you’re a McCain supporter you’ll say otherwise. I didn’t expect McCain to do as well as he did, he certainly satisfied a lot of his supporters. Nevertheless, once again he was not specific as to what solutions he would propose to restore the economy. I think he simply doesn’t have yet an economic plan for the country. McCain wants to take credit when credit is not due. He claimed to have brought the two parties together to discuss the $ 7000 billion dollar bail out which has not yet been approved by congress. He comes across as being the guy with the most experience when he’s the one with the most mistakes. He’s the one who voted for this war in Iraq while Obama voted against it at a time when it was considered unpatriotic to do so. We need a president who’s farsighted not nearsighted. Siding with George W. Bush, he said publicly that we’re winning the war in Iraq while we still spending $10 billion a month in a war that brings us no profit. It is clear that the fundamental difference between these two men are opposite. On one hand, you have a candidate who believes the strength of the economy lies within the working class. And on the other hand, you have another candidate who believes that the strength of the economy lies in the hands of the corporations. Barack Obama believes that any change that will improve the economy must start from the bottom up. That means more tax cut for the working class Americans and less tax cut for corporations. McCain believes by placing more money in the hands or corporation, they’ll turn around and produce more jobs. He said at the debate that if Obama raise corporate tax, they’ll produce jobs in other countries where corporate tax is less. Whereas Obama is skeptic about that idea because under globalization no one can say for sure if we cut corporate tax if they’ll turn around invest that money back in the American market. Obama understands that corporations don’t produce jobs in other countries because of our tax increase but rather because of cheap labor. As far as foreign policy is concern, McCain didn’t prove to be that experience in that subject. First, the different between tactic and strategy is that tactic is to change or implement certain aspect of a strategy where as strategy is the plan of action designed to achieve a particular goal. Therefore, I honestly believe by trying to talk without any precondition is the best strategy as well as the best example of diplomacy. Remember former president Clinton speech at the DNC where he said “The people have always been impressed by the power of our examples than the examples of our power”. Well, that’s what he was talking about folks, diplomacy. He’s telling us to use diplomacy instead of force. If I say to Harry that I won’t talk to you unless you do as I said. He will tell me to go fu_ck myself and he would be right. That’s how we sound when we give the Iran president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad those preconditions. Obama is right diplomacy it the way to go. Now this is funny, Obama is a man of good character. He gives credit where credit is due where as McCain gives no credit at all. Instead he purposely kept repeating that Obama doesn’t understand as if to let you know that he’s not experience. Obama playing nice guy kept saying that McCain is right about this ….McCain is right about that. With all this McCain is right stuff, I can already picture someone editing this part to have McCain saying Obama doesn’t understand and Obama to repeat McCain is right. Watch you’ll see some talk show will do it.
metsfan Posted September 27, 2008 #2 Posted September 27, 2008 I think mccain got his arse beatdown. His arrogant attitude shows just who he really is. :cool: - A
Coolbreezing Posted September 28, 2008 Author #3 Posted September 28, 2008 Can anyone tell me what the heck McCain meant when he was asked ...Where do you stand on the financial recovery plan? He says I want to emphasize one point to the American people. " This isn't the beginning or the end of this crisis this is the end of the beginning". If this is not an oxymoron than I don't what else it is.
RokuSix Posted October 3, 2008 #4 Posted October 3, 2008 I was wondering the same thing. I just think he said that to make it sound as if this is a dramatic new beginning for Americans.
Coolbreezing Posted October 5, 2008 Author #5 Posted October 5, 2008 ECONOMY The economy is definitely the main focus in this election. I think both Sarah Palin & Joe Baden response to the $7000 bailout was fair enough. However, Joe Biden made an excellent point by emphasizing on how people can possibly make money of the rescue plan. The point is that by offering a bailout opportunity to corporations when they fail placed a lesser penalty on the consequence of failure which thereby causes them to be financially careless. That is to say if every time I missed out on my mortgage payments because of my failure to budget properly my uncle is there to dish out the remaining balance, depending on him all the time can cause me not to budget at all. It is this way of thinking that causes people to ponder on the failure of AIG specially when it’s the tax payer’s money that must be use to rescue them. Joe Biden said “the middle class is the economic engine” and his 100% right. Those of you who know my reputation on this forum knows that this is something I’ve been stressing all alone. When the middle class of a country began to fall, it signifies the beginning of the failure of that country’s economy structure. Joe Biden & Obama are right; the reconstruction of the economy from the bottom up is by far the best plan. If you think about it elites establish wealth from the work of other people which mean that elites can only exist as long as people have jobs. To build a strong economy those jobs must be fundamentally stable unable to be outsourced. The challenge that Barack Obama & Joe Biden face is how do you create jobs that can’t be outsource under globalization. Now Sarah Palin clam that the middle class families are those who make $42,000 a year. I believed that clam is debatable because in regard to inflation, if $ 42,000 is considered middle class than our monitory system has not been affected by inflation. Or perhaps I’m wrong because since I’ve been a New Yorker most of my life, my living expanse is different than most of the other states it causes me to think that $ 42,000 is little money. Now Gov. Palin & McCain are dissatisfied with the way the Federal Government has been running things and I’m certain a lots of citizens are too but do they make the law that governs them or is it congress. That’s what Palin should have thought about before running her mouth initiating blame. The Fed proposed the $7000 bailout plan as an attempt to help rescue the economy, it may not have been the best plan but an a shot time like that what other option could they have thought about. As it is now if anyone had a better option they would have proposed it. It seemed to me that the only option we’re left with is to let the economy roll and what ever happen …happened. PARTISANSHIP/ FOREIGN POLICY/ WAR I believed that Palin made an excellent point when she mentioned that Barack Obama voted in favor of his party 96% of the time. She said we should put partisanship behind if we auth to focus our interest in the benefit of this country. Well I guest this is why Obama chose Joe Biden as his running mate. Unlike Obama, Joe Biden voted for the war before voting against it and they are nothing wrong with that. Palin criticized Joe Biden for flip flapping but what she hasn’t realized is that this is a man who learns from his mistakes. Whereas McCain still think we winning the war in Iraq while we’re still spending $10 billion a month of tax payer’s money that contributed in directing our economy into a down turn. This war has to end because obviously it offers no benefit to the American people. Under Barack Obama & Joe Biden administration they will be a time line to end this war by shifting responsibilities to the Iraqis government. Obama’s plan is to focus his attention on Afghanistan where the Taliban originated. Under McCain administration you have one option and that is to leave Iraq only when the Iraqi government can secure its people. And how will the American people know when that has happened, when our general informs us. Talking about white flag Palin's proposition triggered a red flag to the American people. Now we all know that nuclear weapon is dangerous to all human life. Therefore, a nuclear Iran or North Korea is as dangerous as a nuclear America. The world saw no justification when Sarah Palin justifies us using nuclear weapon as a deterrent, that my friend is lack of diplomacy. If you know your S_H_I_T stink you don’t lay it out there for people to smell. She should not have mentioned that part period. People will tell you that you should do as you say. I guest that gave us a hint about her experience in foreign policy. CLIMENT CHANGE In this part of the debate we all saw clearly that Sarah Palin has no understanding about the cause of global climent change. She specifically said that “I don’t want to argue about the cause”. Biden quickly bites her behind by responding “if you don’t understand what the causes are, it is virtually impossible to come up with a solution”. There, it’s obvious that Sarah Palin is farting higher than her nose can smell. Now, I’m a boiler mechanic and those of us who works in the mechanical field understand that you can’t troubleshoot a control if you don’t have the proper tools and the understanding of its operation and function. Folks it’s exactly the same thing, by her saying that she doesn’t want to talk about the cause showed that she’s incompetent about the issue. SUBPRIME MORTGAGES Sarah Palin gave a compelling argument in regard to sub prime mortgages. She argues that predatory lending is mostly the cause of the mortgage failure. She specifically stated that it’s mainly because of corporate greed and deception and she’s 100% right. You can not have me believed that those who laid the foundation for the cause of this mortgage failure are not partly to blame for it. Some will argue that if I say to jump from the empire state building would you jump? As if to say the borrowers new about the risk involved why did they jump when they should not, that is not true. Those who were financially incline perhaps suspected a clap but not most. I new about the claps to occur through WBAI but no one would listen to me, I’m no financial analyst. Nonetheless, most people who entered the mortgage market entered it blindly because they thought by jumping off the empire state building they’ll be able to fly. Obama also predicted it in fact made some effort to stop it but was unsuccessful. To stop it would require the involvement of many congressmen which was not possible. The mortgage crisis gave ways to the redistribution of wealth in America. If they is any time to transfer wealth to those that are already super rich is at a time when a regression is at the edge. GAY MARRIAGE It is obvious that the definition of marriage that both parties base their opinions on if from a Christian value. The problem with that is that not all of us are Christians, some of us are Muslim, and others are not religious. Therefore, basing decisions of marital values on the concept of Christianity is bound to be unfair. Religion is a touchy subject which I don’t like to talk about but Sarah Palin invoked people to talk on the issue. When you’re a candidate of this magnitude anything you say publicly will bring attention, attention that may be a disservice to another group. She does not support constitutional benefit for gay couples. Under McCain & Palin administrator no gay couples should have visiting right, property or the right to have joint life insurance policies. Whereas under Obama & McCain administration those rights will be insuring, you heard Joe Biden, he said this is what our constitution call for. It makes a significant difference to gay couples; having those rights is one step away from getting married. Now, the question that arises is why is it so important for gay people to want to get married. Having those rights is significant enough the only different is that most states doesn’t recognize gay marriage. Would it be right to think of it in that manner or shall we say it’s unacceptable because if heterosexual have that right so should gay people. The problem with this logic is that it offers a discriminatory view to the issue by given preference to one group while bashing another. The other advantage that comes with gay marriage as my brother indicated is that it offers them the same benefit to heterosexuals when visiting other countries. As long as America remains the main focus of attraction, foreigners will always want to come here. And none married heterosexual can always get laid by offering women the opportunity to come to America. Now, ask yourself this question ….why wouldn’t gay people want that opportunity?
RokuSix Posted October 5, 2008 #6 Posted October 5, 2008 On the topic of climate change, I remember Palin saying that we shouldn't alter our energy use because of the pollution caused by other countries. This isn't necessarily the case. America's carbon emissions count for more than some countries combined. In addition, we never signed the Kyoto Protocol.
Coolbreezing Posted October 6, 2008 Author #7 Posted October 6, 2008 We can definitely do better. The more we stay away from oil the less pollution we’ll create in this world. Wind energy, solar and natural gas are environmental friendly. As of now, I can’t say that we ready to abandon oil but what we can do is to slowly alter our energy use by depending more on natural gas, wind and solar. If we want to become independent from oil we must have alternatives to replace the needs for oil throughout the country. It’s easy said than done, it will take some time but it’s possible. At one time in this country we used coal for home heating, now we use natural gas, number 2 oil for residential and light commercial and # 4 & 6 oil for commercial and industrial. Also in some part of the country we use propane which contain even greater BTU. Anyhow, in most part of the country we’re slowly getting rid of heavy heating oil like number 4, 6 oil. Although oil contained more BTU than natural gas we should still encourage the commercial industries to switch to other source of energy like natural gas. Of – Course we would also like for natural gas companies to give those commercial industries competitive prices that can discourage them from purchasing heavy oil. To get to that point, we must first educate the public on green energy; tell them why it’s better and why they should care about the environment. This is precisely what Ale Gore did because he knows that the starting point is through education everything else will follow after.
Coolbreezing Posted October 10, 2008 Author #8 Posted October 10, 2008 In my opinion John McCain did worse in this debate than the previous one. Comparing his arguments with Obama’s, most would say that McCain’s responses to the questions were not as direct as Obama’s. He noticeably fails to respond to some of the questions that were asked of him. For example, when McCain was asked by Tom Brokaw …How would you break habit of debt and easy credit? He did not answer that question instead he responded to Obama’s attack on the $ 700 thousand tax increase. Obama on the other hand, answered the question by saying it will start with Washington. He indicated that if we’re running trillion dollar debt it means that they are easy money out there. Which translated to the American people, in order to break habit of debt and easy credit Obama will enact new reforms as oppose to deregulation. Another example was when Tom Brokaw asked would you give congress a deadline to reform entitlements? …Once again McCain didn’t answer that question. He kept talking about what he did and what Ronald Reagan did but not what McCain would do as far as entitlements. Ladies and gents it is very important that the questions are answered. The people who participated in that debate, those who email their questions represented us. When presidential candidate neglect a question asked by one of these people, it seems as a direct insult to us. This behavior will engage us in thinking if we were to elect you as our commander in chief, would you listen to us or would you do as you wish. This is why it’s important to answer the question that is asked because every time you’re not you’re projecting the wrong signal. The answer given by the two parties in this following question reflects a matter of competency on the subject mater. Allen Shaf from the audience asked this question; with the economy on the down turn workers, retiree loosing their income, what are the fasterst and most positive solution to bell these people out from this economic run? Obama answered “strong oversight, making sure tax payers are treated like inverters, cracking down on CEOs, making sure that they not getting golden parachutes. Tax cut for the middle class, help home owners through local government by setting up bridge projects to keep people in their jobs and in the long term we got to fix our health care system.” And now McCain answered “I will order the secretary of state to buy out the bad home mortgages in America and renegotiate at the new value, the diminish value of those home and let people make they payment and stay in their homes. Is it expansive...Yes”. To me both answers are acceptable but they are one thing that is of great importance in Obama’s answer that is not available in McCain’s and that’s JOBS. McCain wanting to stabilized the housing market is a good idea but as Obama stated “without increasing income and jobs what good does a good housing market does”. The way I see it …it doesn’t matter how stable the housing market become if people’s wages are low and jobs are hard to come by than the only people who benefit again is those with the capital and we all know who they are. My last point on this debate goes back to this question asked by Tom Brokaw from NBC asked …Who would be your treasury secretary? McCain answered “Someone American immediately identified with, SUPPORTER of Barack Obama, Warren Buffet”. He had someone else in mind but she wasn’t his priority. To my understanding, that answer help promote Barach Obama’s image as a presidential candidate who understands the economy. If Warren Buffet is the economic genius than his approval of Obama makes me think that Obama is not only economically savvy but he may as well be a great investor. And hearing that coming from the opponent himself, gives it greater merit. To my understanding Senator McCain publicly promoted the endorsement of Warren Buffet to senator Obama, something Warren Buffet may not have done publicly. Or perhaps he did endorse senator Obama publicly but most Americans didn’t know about it. McCain dig the hole now he wants to bury himself in it. One last thing that has to be mentioned it relates to McCain’s bad judgment. When Oliver Park asked the question how will the fiscal recovery package help people? McCain answers “Freddie Mea and Freddie Mac, I bet you never heard of them before this crisis”. Now since the question is coming from a black guy some people will perceive that as being racial but it’s not. I think he may have said the same thing had it been another young white guy asking the same question. We must admit though not too many people new about these two corporations before this crisis …they are some truth to it. We should not regard this remark as being racial. However though, he shouldn’t assume that the gentleman didn’t know who Freddie Mae and Mac are. That’s insulting his intelligence which thereby proves that McCain is more likely to make bad judgments. McCain mentioned that Teddy Roosevelt said walk softly talk softly but carry a big stick. McCain also mentioned that Obama said he wants to announce that he wants to attack Pakistan. McCain is obviously putting words in Obama’s mouth. Obama said clearly that he wants to put non-military personnel in Pakistan to work with the Pakistani government to help tracking down AL-QUEDA. He never said that he’ll attack Pakistan. I don’t know what you see but I see that as bad character. Lying before the public just to get your point across is bad politics. In regard to Teddy Roosevelt quote, it’s not a good look for McCain to promote that quote because to believe in it will make you seem deceitful. So should we the American people watch out for the big stick because McCain has demonstrated lots of soft talk and soft walk?
RokuSix Posted October 10, 2008 #9 Posted October 10, 2008 I think McCain is simply trying to persuade people to hate Obama. Instead of providing his own economic and political decisions, he is resorting to attacking the opponent. Unfortunately, many voters dislike Obama largely due to superficial reasons. And if McCain attacks him, he will just add fuel to that fire. On a side note, I just don't believe in trickle-down economic theories. That's largely why the Republican party just isn't my cup of tea.
UlmerPark B6 Posted October 10, 2008 #10 Posted October 10, 2008 It's not gonna be long 'til the americans think McCain is a racist.
metsfan Posted October 11, 2008 #11 Posted October 11, 2008 On the topic of climate change, I remember Palin saying that we shouldn't alter our energy use because of the pollution caused by other countries. This isn't necessarily the case. America's carbon emissions count for more than some countries combined. In addition, we never signed the Kyoto Protocol. Even if we weren't using 95% of the world's resources it's still our responsibility to make the world as good as it can be. Another ignorant person verified to have abused their power should not be eligible to run for office again. - A
Coolbreezing Posted October 11, 2008 Author #12 Posted October 11, 2008 I think McCain is simply trying to persuade people to hate Obama. Instead of providing his own economic and political decisions, he is resorting to attacking the opponent. Unfortunately, many voters dislike Obama largely due to superficial reasons. And if McCain attacks him, he will just add fuel to that fire. On a side note, I just don't believe in trickle-down economic theories. That's largely why the Republican party just isn't my cup of tea. What exactly do you mean by that "Unfortunately, many voters dislike Obama largely due to superficial reasons." Be a little specific so that we can understand your view.
Coolbreezing Posted October 16, 2008 Author #13 Posted October 16, 2008 After this debate it is very clear that the dividing factors between these two candidates are not just their view on the economic. Obama is so much more than McCain if he was white he would have been guaranteed the presidency. It has become obvious that McCain’s hope for winning this election depends sorely on race. He believes that Americans somehow will not elect a Blackman as their president. McCain couldn’t answer some of the questions; he even tries to change the subject to avoid them. Anyone who says that McCain win this debate was obviously watching a different one or perhaps lacks of common sense to see beyond the BS. His arguments were not comparable to McCain; he laid out concrete plans with reasonable analyzation that supersede McCain’s. He dominated McCain on all the issues. …what an embarrassment to McCain supporters. If the turnout in the poll are close McCain will steal the election. I said that a while back on this forum and so far I'm beginning to believe it. Some people will say Obama to satisfied their friends and when voting do otherwise.
D.J. Posted October 16, 2008 #14 Posted October 16, 2008 Hey, I can't vote, but If I could, I would vote for my self, just to see If I could win (although I would be a horrible president) and If I do... nothing will happen. In fact, I may even be fired!! but at least I won
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