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The NTT Glitch Thread


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I thought it would be a good idea to compile all of the glitches that occur in the NTT's of the system here so that transit workers on this fourm know what the issues are. 

First off, the (4) announces itself as a brooklyn bound (4) train if the R142's don't anounce the transfers at 125th St until Brooklyn Bridge.

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I thought it would be a good idea to compile all of the glitches that occur in the NTT's of the system here so that transit workers on this fourm know what the issues are.

First off, the (4) announces itself as a brooklyn bound (4) train if the R142's don't anounce the transfers at 125th St until Brooklyn Bridge.

Well it's heading to Brooklyn so whats wrong with it saying Brooklyn Bound?


Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk

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