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How long?


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we made it across in about 12 minutes! the capt. was speeding across the bay...


Damn! I remember back in June of this year, when the Lehman was operating for the last day, the America was the other boat operating and was ahead and fast the entire time.


I remember we were boarding at SI on the Lehman, and we turn slowly to only see the America is already have way done the with trip to SI.....

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  • 2 months later...

The ferry trip across New York Bay last about 20-25 minutes, depending upon water traffic. Sometimes the pilots will speed up the ride when the schedule requires a very quick trip, or when taking a trip around Governor's Island.


During the rush hours boats are scheduled to leave at 15 and 20 minutes apart. During the day-times, and evenings, boats are scheduled to leave once every 30 minutes. During the late nights and midnight hours, early morning weekend mornings, during the evenings and nights on weekends --- the boats are scheduled to leave once every 60 minutes. This kind of a schedule adds greatly to the commuting time of ferry riders, since many ferry riders must use a subway, bus, or SIRT to reach their final destination.


It is common for Staten Islanders to have commutes that are 90 minutes to 2 hours long on a regular basis, once all time components of the total trip are added.

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